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Jakob Kramer


 Jakob Kramer      

Jakob Kramer

Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik
Tennenbacher Str. 4
D - 79106 Freiburg i. Br.
Room 04064
Telefon: (0761) 203-3825


Jakob has a Master's degree in Human Geography from the University of Freiburg. He has experience and interests in mixed-method approaches, governance, political geography, and human-environment relationships.

His interdisciplinary background includes work as a research assistant at the Forstwissenschaftliche Versuchsanstalt Baden-Württemberg (FVA), the Chair of Sustainability Governance at the University of Freiburg, the chair of Humangeography and Transformation Research at the University of Augsburg and as a tour guide for the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society and the Deutsches Museum. 


Jakob has worked on a variety of research topics such as creating governance arrangements for sustainable and just cities during his work at UrbanA (link: or collecting data to find alternative tree species in adapting to climate change during his work at FVA. 


Right now Jakob is working on a project focused on sustainable groundwater management in Germany called StressRes. His research involves conducting a policy analysis to identify political and regulatory stressors affecting the resilience of drinking water. He also evaluates laws and regulations related to groundwater protection and identifies factors for successful groundwater management. Through interviews and data analysis, he aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of groundwater management in Germany and provide insights for sustainable water resource management practices. 

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