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Announcement: We are deactivating our X account


Dear friends and followers,

We are officially deactivating our X account, Forest & Environmental Policy Freiburg (@FEP_UniFreiburg) in the next days.

This decision reflects our commitment to more sustainable and focused communication channels with fact-based communication and in line with democratic values. Moreover, it follows the decision of the University of Freiburg to withdraw from X. While we’ll no longer be active on X, we invite you to stay connected through our other platforms and channels, where we’ll continue sharing insights, updates, and research on forest and environmental policy:


➔ Stay connected via Linkedin


➔ Read the latest news on our Chair's website's blog


➔ Learn more about current research projects on our podcast




New publication analysing the unique hybrid governance of Brazil's Amazon Soy Moratorium (ASM)


New publication from Rafaella Ferraz-Ziegert and Dr. Metodi Sotirov: Brazil's Amazon Soy Moratorium is a case study for private commitments to regulate deforestation. But how does this private-public hybrid governance really work, and after 20 years of success, why has it not been replicated? This paper analyses the unique hybrid governance of Brazil’s Amazon Soy Moratorium (ASM) in regulating soybean production in the Amazon, where private actors have created a state-like ban on commodity production to reduce deforestation that goes beyond national law. A qualitative analysis of Brazil’s Amazon Soy Moratorium’s 20-year governance process was conducted to shed light on its regulatory uniqueness and adding to the literature on policy mixes to deal with environmental and sustainability matters. 

Read the full article here:



New publication on local narratives about the (ir-)relevance of cooperation between actors from the water and forestry sector


New publication from Sabeth Häublein and Dr. Tanja Granzow on "The forest water nexus: A narrative construction of (ir-)relevance of cooperation". The paper investigates local narratives around local narratives about cooperation between actors from the forestry and water sector. Findings are based on focus groups and interviews conducted in six areas in Germany.

Read the full article here:



Congratulations to our Chair's PhD Candidate Theresa Klara Loch for being elected President of the International Forestry Student's Association (IFSA)

IFSA is a globally organised and locally operating students organisation that connects forestry students to their peers and forest-related organisations and policy platforms. IFSA's mission is to connect, empower and educate the next generation of leaders. Resa has been an active member of IFSA for years and now got elected president of the organization. She says "As I step into this new role, I look forward to empowering forestry students globally, fostering positive change, and upholding the values of sustainability, diversity, and inclusivity within our field. ✊ " Congratulations!




Frei zugänglicher eLearning-Kurs "Enhancing Collaboration in Flood Disaster Risk Management" ist veröffentlicht!

Im Rahmen des Projekts PARADeS ("Participatory assessment of flood-related disaster prevention and development of an adapted coping system in Ghana") wurde ein eLearning-Kurs zum Thema Collaborative Governance im Hochwasserrisikomanagement erstellt, der frei zugänglich ist! 

Der Kurs ist auf WB Ilias über diesen Link zugänglich.

Das PARADeS-Projekt soll dazu beitragen, Ghanas nationale Strategie zur Verringerung des Hochwasserrisikos und zum Hochwassermanagement zu verbessern, indem es die wichtigsten Mechanismen (Treiber, Druck, Zustand, Auswirkungen und Reaktion), das bestehende Hochwasserrisiko und das Katastrophenmanagement, die Politikgestaltung, die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Wasser sowie die Entwicklung von Szenarien, Aktionsplänen und machbaren und nachhaltigen Maßnahmen untersucht. Dabei werden innovative soziotechnische und partizipatorische Ansätze und Instrumente eingesetzt.



The Chair of Forest & Environmental Policy at the 26th IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm, Sweden!


Team IUFRO 2024


The Chair of Forest & Environmental Policy attended the 26th IUFRO World Congress, held from June 24th to 29th, 2024, in Stockholm, Sweden. Many of our team members presented their research and engaged in insightful discussions on a wide range of forest-related topics.

The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) World Congress is a major event that brings together researchers from around the globe. Held every five years, it serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and advancements in forest research and related disciplines. This year’s Congress focused on the theme "Forests & Society Towards 2050".

We are also thrilled to announce that the head of our chair, Prof. Daniela Kleinschmit, has been elected as the new president of IUFRO! Her appointment represents a historic milestone for IUFRO, as she is the first woman to assume this prestigious position. Congratulations, Daniela!

A big thank you to the organizers and all the participants for a brilliant and inspiring conference week!


Daniela IUFRO 2024



Visit from Dr. Sophia Carodenuto form the Canadian University of Victoria at our weekly colloquium


At our Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, we hold a weekly colloquium where researchers present their ongoing projects and findings. This forum provides an invaluable opportunity for in-depth interaction and discussion, fostering a vibrant academic community and promoting interdisciplinary exchange.

This week, we had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Sophia Carodenuto from the University of Victoria, Canada. Dr. Carodenuto, Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, presented her research on "Keeping up with Sustainability Leaders: Foreign Corporate Accountability Legislation for Canada." Her work, which focuses on the intricacies of implementing effective sustainability policies and holding corporations accountable on an international scale, sparked engaging conversations and critical reflections among our attendees.

Dr. Carodenuto's visit was not just a presentation but a meaningful exchange of ideas. We delved into the challenges and opportunities associated with corporate accountability legislation and explored potential collaborative efforts. The discussions were both enlightening and productive, highlighting the importance of global perspectives in tackling environmental issues.

We are delighted about this collaboration with Dr. Carodenuto and look forward to continuing these fruitful discussions. Such interactions significantly enhance our collective understanding and contribute to advancing the field of forest and environmental policy.



The Chair of Forest & Environmental policy at the International Forest Policy Meeting in Helsinki, Finland


The International Forest Policy Meeting (IFPM5) is a biennial event addressing forest and forest-related issues from a social science perspective and bringing together scholars and research from different parts of the world.

This year's meeting was hosted and organized by the University of Helsinki, Finland, and took place from April 10th to April 12th.

Congratulations to our PhD researcher Simon Fleckenstein, who was awarded the Best Abstract and Presentation Award. During his talk, Simon presented findings from a longitudinal analysis of cross-sectoral Policy Integration (PI), with a particular focus on forest and rural development policy at the EU level.


SUPERB: Expert Workshop on Forest Restoration Policy and Practice (15th February 2024)


Metodi Brussels 2024


Climate resilience and biodiversity are mutually reinforcing preconditions for forests to deliver what we as societies need: e.g. wood and other forest products, and opportunities for recreation. But how can we reach this, considering incoherencies and unexplored synergies between European and national forest policies and laws, mirroring different societal interests, values, and knowledge? We explored these questions in an inspiring expert workshop in Brussels on February 15, 2024, co-organized together with our project partner Prospex Institute within the SUPERB project. We discussed policy & legal challenges, and solutions for European forest restoration, as well as how to bridge gaps between science, policy, and forest practice for more resilient forests and provision of ecosystem services.

Our team from the University of Freiburg provided important insights from our ongoing work in SUPERB. First, Dr. Metodi Sotirov set the scene in his keynote presentation by offering definitions of vertical and horizontal policy coherence from the political science perspective as well as some illustrative examples for cross-sectoral and vertical policy trade-offs and synergies between new and existing EU forest-related policies and laws. Next, Simon Fleckenstein and Antonio Basilicata presented more detailed insights into SUPERB results on EU and national policies and laws governing forest restoration. Based on our findings from an expert interview and analyses of policy documents, we provided an overview of soft and hard law instruments from forest, biodiversity, climate, and agricultural policy areas that directly or indirectly govern forest restoration indicators and practices.


Read more about this event in our blogpost!


Simon Brussels 2024



Einladung zum Kolloquium "Sozialwissenschaftliche Grundwasserforschung" am 21.3.2024, 10-11:30h 


Wir laden alle Interessierten herzlich zur Teilnahme am Kolloquium "Sozialwissenschaftliche Grundwasserforschung" ein. Ziel ist ein inhaltlicher Austausch und Vernetzung von Forschenden, die aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive zu nachhaltigem Grundwassermanagement forschen. Das Kolloquium ist initiiert von Forschenden aus der BMBF-Fördermaßnahme LURCH. Interessierte außerhalb von LURCH sind jedoch als aktive Teilnehmende ebenfalls sehr willkommen. Es ist geplant, dass im Rahmen des Kolloquiums alle zwei Monate aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten vorgestellt werden. Es wird je nach Bedarf in deutscher oder englischer Sprache stattfinden.

Vorträge am 21.03.2023, 10-11:30h:

Jakob Kramer, Forst- und Umweltpolitik, Universität Freiburg, Projekt StressRes

"Between rights and access: Justice problematizations in institutional literature on groundwater in the EU"

Dr. Johanna Kramm, Heide Kerber, Florian Bötsch, Institut für Sozial-ökologische Forschung (ISOE), Projekt gwTriade

"Diskursfeld Grundwasserökosystem – eine Analyse unterschiedlicher Positionen zur Grundwasserproblematik"

Moderation: Dr. Sylvia Kruse, Forst- und Umweltpolitik, Universität Freiburg, Projekt StressRes




Find out about our project EMMA4EU - Deforestation-free supply chains in Europe


The EMMA4EU website and Linkedin profile are online - click the link to find events, news, learning, and training opportunities - our aim is to tackle embedded deforestation by connecting higher education institutions, businesses, NGOs.

The EMMA4EU acronym comes from the project’s full title: Innovation Alliance for Training Programmes for deforestation-free supply chains in Europe. This description holds together the project’s main goals and takes inspiration from the method EMMA, developed by the coordinating partner, Etifor. 

Deforestation and degradation in tropical forests are among the leading causes of climate change and biodiversity loss. The European Union is the second-largest importer of forest risk commodities, responsible for embedded deforestation. In 2023, the EU approved the Deforestation-Free Products Regulation (EUDR) to tackle this issue. The EMMA4EU project, co-funded by the European Union, aims to connect different sectors and disciplines to unite higher education institutions, vocational training organizations, businesses, public organizations, and NGOs to establish an EU Alliance. The Alliance will develop innovative training solutions and provide new professionals with transversal and digital skills (Deforestation-Free Supply Chain Managers) to support the transition to more sustainable supply chains for forest-risk commodities and comply with the Deforestation-free Products Regulation requirements.




Save the Date: 30. April 2024 - Wald und Wasser involvieren: Visionen eines klimaangepassten Managements


Flyer S 1.jpg


Die Dürre 2018 hat die enge Beziehung zwischen Wald- und Wasserressourcen deutlich gemacht und gezeigt, wie negativ sich ausbleibende Niederschläge und sinkende Grundwasserstände auf Wälder auswirken. Um diese enge Beziehung insbesondere in Zeiten des Klimawandels zu berücksichtigen, werden Politik- und Managementmaßnahmen gebraucht.

Welche Maßnahmen effektiv und in unterschiedlichen Regionen umsetzbar sind, haben wir seit 2021 in unserem Forschungsprojekt „InteW2 – Integriertes Management von Wald und Wasser unter sich ändernden klimatischen Bedingungen“ ( untersucht.

Die Ergebnisse unserer Forschung präsentieren wir am 30. April 2024 im Rahmen der 4. viSiOONWALD-Konferenz im Walderlebniszentrum Soonwald in Schöneberg.

Gerne möchten wir Sie dazu einladen, hier mehr über unsere Forschungsergebnisse zu erfahren und diese mit uns zu diskutieren!

Die Anmeldung ist ab etwa Mitte Januar unter möglich. 

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!



Invitation to the final conference of our PARADeS project on "Managing Flood Disaster Risk in Ghana - Findings, Products and Recommendations" 



Stakeholder workshop in Ghana in May 2022, © J. Ntajal


We are pleased to invite you to the final conference (online) of our PARADeS project ( on “Managing Flood Disaster Risk in Ghana- Findings, Products, and Recommendations” to be held on the 23rd of November 2023 from 13:00 – 17:00 CET.

The objective of the conference is to disseminate the research project consortium's findings, share valuable learning experiences, and showcase the produced products. With this, we aim to connect back to scholars and practitioners in this field who followed, supported our research journey and/or will be able to build on our results.

The conference will also offer the opportunity to connect to the other participants and engage in an open discussion on the remaining challenges to managing flood disaster risk in Ghana and other regions.

This event has the potential to inspire new perspectives on Flood Disaster Risk Management (FDRM), both in practical applications and research, whether in Ghana or in other regions. We hope we have gained your interest in attending this webinar!



PhD position on motivation and behavior of small-forest owners for multifunctional management in Europe


Are you a motivated candidate with a background in social or political sciences, forestry, environmental science or a related field? Are you interested in forest-related issues and eager to develop innovative policy approaches and solutions for addressing urgent policy problems? Are you passionate about exploring the motivations and needs of forest owners in Europe? Do you have a keen interest in the concept of Living Labs? If you cover at least one of these aspects, we warmly invite you to apply for a challenging and rewarding PhD position within our dynamic and collaborative research project!


The chair of Forest and Environmental policy at the University of Freiburg invites applications for a vacant PhD position within the framework of an exciting four-year project “Small4Good” focused on small-forest owners in Europe. Given that small-forest owners are responsible for 60% of Europe’s forests, the strategic objective of Small4Good is to enable and activate this group of actors to safeguard biodiversity and enhance the provision of ecosystem services through multifunctional and locally adapted management models. Additionally, the project intends to investigate mechanisms such as payment for ecosystem services schemes and technical support via AI-based solutions. The successful candidate will contribute to the research objectives of the project, enhancing our understanding of motivations and barriers for small-forest owners, both within local living labs and across Europe.


Please submit your application until December 10th, 2023, to Dr. Andy Selter,

Further information here.



Webinar: (In)Coherences in EU Forest-Related Policies under the framework of the Nature Restoration Law


SUPERB Webinar


Online event October 18th, 3pm - register via this link!


Presenting a much-needed approach to repair damage to Europe’s forests, the proposed EU Nature Restoration Law (NRL) is an unparalleled opportunity to prevent the worst impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss across Europe. Still, it doesn’t come without challenges. One of the challenges for decision-makers, forest managers and stakeholders is to navigate the complex environment of forest and forest-related policies at the EU level. Other challenges come with the integrability of the provisions made by the proposed NRL with diverse national policy and legal frameworks of the European Member States.

This upcoming Forest Restoration Talk will explore policy coherences and incoherences between the Nature Restoration Law and other pieces of legislation, debating the main synergies and trade-offs that are likely to affect stakeholders and competing demands for a variety of forest ecosystem services. The discussion will be based on an analysis of multilevel and cross-sectoral policy coherence conducted as part of the SUPERB project and building on an extensive mapping of forest restoration-related policies in Europe.


Date and time: 18 October 2023 at 15:00 CET

Platform: Zoom



Metodi Sotirov, Senior Researcher & Assistant Professor in Forest and Environmental Policy,University of Freiburg

Simon Fleckenstein, Project Researcher and PhD Candidate in Forest and Environmental Policy, University of Freiburg


Roundtable panellists:

Ana Rocha, Director – EU Agriculture & Forestry policies, European Landowners’ Organization (ELO)

Karoliina Niemi, Finnish Forest Industries Federation

Hélène Koch, Senior Policy Advisor, Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF)



Magda Bou Dagher-Kharrat, Principal scientist at the Mediterranean Facility of the European Forest Institute and coordinator of the SUPERB project.




Online event today: Monitoring and modeling system for assessing stressors, insights from the StressRes project




Online event October 10th, 5pm - join via this link.


At today's impulse event hosted by the Digital Water Institute (DWI), we have the pleasure to host both Prof. Dr. Kerstin Stahl and Dr. Tanya Bayheva-Merger from the University of Freiburg to give us an insight into the StressRes project.


Groundwater management and the provision of safe drinking water face a multitude of complex challenges such as drought, conflicting water usage demands, and groundwater pollution due to various substances. In response to these pressing issues, the StressRes research project (2023 - 2026) aims to investigate these challenges and offer innovative tools to address them effectively.


If you are interested in the topic and want to learn more, dial in to our impulse - today, 5-6pm via Zoom.




Mapping international and local forest and ecosystem-related policies and governance mechanisms


Exciting news! Our CLEVER researchers Laila Berning, Rafaella Ferraz Ziegert, Mathias Cramm and Metodi Sotirov published their latest research. They conducted a comprehensive analysis of forest and ecosystem-related policies and governance mechanisms.


Through extensive research and data analysis, they have compiled a comprehensive Excel database and identified six overarching policy and governance types. These types cover various levels of compulsion, actor participation, and geographical scopes, helping us better understand the regulatory landscape of regulating biomass supply chains for legality and sustainability at international and local levels. More info on the report here.


Final report:

Excel database:


Click herefor more info on the CLEVER project.




Forschung zu Forst- und Umweltpolitik an der Uni Freiburg - jetzt auch zum Anhören!


podcast news


Ab heute ist der "Forest and Environmental Policy Podcast" auf Spotify zu finden. In der ersten Folge berichtet Dr. Tanya Beycheva-Merger, Post-Doc an der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik Freiburg, über wissenschaftliche Fragen zur Überschneidung von Umwelt-Governance und Informationsaustausch mit Hilfe digitaler Technologien. Wie kann Politikformulierung sicherstellen, dass digitale Technologien optimal genutzt werden, um die Lösung von Umweltproblemen zu unterstützen, ohne dabei soziale Aspekte zu vernachlässigen? Über diese Frage diskutieren Dr. Tanya Beycheva-Merger und Robert Heinmüller, Moderator und Produzent es Podcasts. Hier  geht es zur Podcast-Episode. Von nun an veröffentlichen wir alle zwei Wochen eine neue Folge, in der Doktorand*innen, Post-Docs und Seniors über aktuelle Fragestellungen der Forst- und Umweltpolitik-Forschung und ihre wissenschaftlichen Projekte berichten. Abonniere unseren Podcast, um keine neue Folge zu verpassen! 





Das Forstpolitiktreffen 2023: Ein Ausflug ins Himmelreich


Fopo 2023


Vom 29. - 31.3. fand das 51. traditionelle Forstpolitiktreffen statt. Organisiert wurde das Treffen von der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik der Universität Freiburg und der FVA Baden-Württemberg. Als Tagungsort wurde das Studienhaus Wiesneck ausgewählt, das in einer guten Tradition für politikwissenschaftliche Forschung und demokratische Bildung steht. Das Tagungshaus liegt 12km von Freiburg entfernt und ist mit der Höllentalbahn gut erreichbar. Doch bevor der Zug ins Höllental einfährt, sind unsere Seminargäste im Himmelreich ausgestiegen - dort, wo der Schwarzwald sanft ins sonnige Dreisamtal abfällt.


Am Donnerstagnachmittag führte uns eine Exkursion in den Stadtwald Freiburg. Das Thema war der Umgang mit äußerst vielfältigen Ansprüchen an den Wald im urbanen Raum. Die zugehörigen Governance- und Beteiligungsprozesse wurden anhand von Bürgerdialog, Besucherlenkungskonzepten und Stadtentwicklungsprojekten offensichtlich und mit Akteuren vor Ort diskutiert.


Darüber hinaus wurde die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung des Programms von den Teilnehmer*innen selbst bestimmt. Vorträge und Poster mit aktuellen Forschungsvorhaben und -ergebnissen wurden vorgestellt und diskutiert. Wir bedanken bei allen Teilnehmer*innen für den regen Austausch und verlassen das Treffen mit vielen neuen Ideen und Impulsen, sowie in vorfreudiger Stimmung auf das nächste Forstpolitiktreffen! 





51. Forstpolitiktreffen findet vom 29. - 31.3.2023 in Freiburg statt


Das diesjährige Forstpolitiktreffen wird von der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik in Zusammenarbeit mit der Forstlichen Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg veranstaltet. Geplant ist ein spannendes Programm mit Vorstellung der aktuellsten Forschungsvorhaben und -ergebnisse verschiedener Institutionen und einer, vom Städtischen Forstamt Freiburg geleiteten, Exkursion durch den Freiburger Stadtwald.


Während des Forstpolitiktreffens werden Neuigkeiten über unseren Twitter Account bekannt gegeben.




Job offer: 2 research associate/PhD positions at the Department for Political Science


Starting between May 1st and July 1st 2023, two positions as research associates/ PhD candidates are available in the research project "Comparing the Forest Governance Performances of Regional Rgimes. A Comprehensive Analysis" at the University of Freiburg, Germany (Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy & Chair for Multilevel Governance).


More information about the project and the application process here.




Stellenangebot: Doktorand*in (w/m/d) im Bereich Umweltpolitik


Die Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik sucht zum 01.04.2023 oder nach Vereinbarung eine*n Doktorand*in (w/m/d) im Bereich Umweltpolitik. Die Doktorarbeit findet im Rahmen des Projekts "Monitoring- und Modellsystem zur Beurteilung von Stress auf Grundwasserressourcen und Trinkwassermanagement" (StressRes) statt und wird sich mit der Steuerung und Governance von nachhaltigem Grundwassermanagement in Deutschland beschäftigen.


Weitere Informationen und Bewerbung hier.




Stellenangebot: Wissenschaftler*in (w/m/d) im Projekt "Zielgruppenoptimierte Kommunikation für nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung und Waldnaturschutz (Optkom)"


Die Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik sucht eine*n Wissenschaftler*in (w/m/d) im Projekt "Zielgruppenoptimierte Kommunikation für nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung und Waldnaturschutz". 


Ziel des Forschungsprojekts ist die Entwicklung eines Konzepts für eine zielgruppenoptimierte Kommunikation für nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung und Waldnaturschutz. Die Kommunikationsansprüche von Bevölkerung und Wladbesitzenden werden auf Basis von Sinus Milieu Studien analysiert. Anschließend werden passende, differenzierte Kommunikationskonzepte partizipativ entwickelt und für ausgewählte Gruppen exemplarisch umgesetzt. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Kommunikation via Social Media.


Hier ist der Link zum vollständigen Ausschreibungstext auf der Homepage der Universität Freiburg.




Pathfinder: A new EU project provides forest information for Europe's roadmap to climate neutrality


Forests are of central importance for the economy, climate and biodiversity in Europe. The Pathfinder project aims to develop a common monitoring system for European forests, building on existing national forest inventories and forest condition surveys. This is important because coherent forest monitoring ensures up-to-date and consistent information on greenhouse gas emissions from forests across Europe. 


More information in German & English




Job offer: 3 Phd researchers and 1 PostDoc researcher in forest and environmental policy


Those interested in joining our vibrant team and working with us and our partners on collaborative EU research projects are invited to apply for the following positions. Starting date is as soon as possible but not later than July 1st 2022: More Information  




Interdisciplinary Masterlab on Soundscape Ecology - students wanted!


Are you looking for an external module or a master thesis in an interdisciplinary setting? Are you interested in innovative and experimental research based on virtual reality? Then check out the social science component of the Masterlab on Soundscape Ecology:


For our research project (n°6), we are looking for 2-3 motivated students interested in the following: social science related questions about forests OR the technological development of VR-content based on close-range remote sensing. If you have any further questions, please contact:




Announcement of 4 Master Thesis in Water Governance


Water is the main component required for most activities in human society. All societies need water for basic survival and economic development. Thus, the water crisis is one of the key problems of global relevance in the 21st century. As stated by many scholars, the water crisis is mainly a crisis of governance, which is rooted in social, political, and institutional challenges. This draws attention to the issues hindering/fostering water governance. 

In this regard, the following topics are suggested to master students in the summer semester of 2022. 

  • Rural women’s collective action: Involvement of women in participatory planning and implementation of water-related decisions

  • Institutional analysis: The role of formal and informal rules in the governance of groundwater 

  • Innovative water governance: Adoption of water conservation technologies within local communities
    Transboundary water governance and conflict resolution in developing countries 

  • If you are interested in other relevant topics to water governance, you can suggest it 

For more information please click here.




Dr. Metodi Sotirov as a keynote speaker at the Global Climate Convention’s COP-26 in Glasgow, Monday, 8th November 2021, 11.40 am CET


Our colleague Dr. Metodi Sotirov, Senior Researcher in Forest and Environmental Policy, is going to participate as a key note speaker at the Indonesia Pavilion COP26 UNFCCC Talk Show on „Forest and Agriculture Commodities Trade“ (TRADE). 

The FACT Talkshow is jointly organized by the governments of Indonesia and the UK to discuss lessons learned from sustainable forest and agricultural commodities policy  approaches among producer and consumer countries. 

Dr. Sotirov is going to share key lessons learned from research and policy support work on the implementation of the EU’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan, including the EU-Indonesian FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA), the EU Timber Regulation, and the new EU anti-deforestation policy. 


The FACT talk show can be accessed and followed in an online format here: 

Globally, ca. 23% of global CO2 emissions stemmed from deforestation and forest degradation fueling further the pressing climate crisis worldwide. Most of deforestation and forest degradation is driven by illegal or unsustainable production, trade, and consumption of forest risk agricultural commodities (e.g., palm oil, soy, cattle) and timber/pulp products across producer (South America, Central Africa, South East Asia) and consumer regions (EU, USA, Japan, China). 




One (1) working contract position within PARADeS WP 3.2

Participation in flood risk management and disaster risk reduction

Nov 1. 2021 – Jan 31. 2022


The position is limited to 3 months. The scope of work amounts to a maximum of 40 hours in total (3-4 h per week), depending on the current workload in the project and the availability of the assistant. The assistant will collaborate with a Hiwi for jointly completing the task before the deadline. 




1. Transcription of interviews 

  • Transcribing 1 h interview = 8 h transcription time

  • Discussing interpretation and themes with the other Hiwi and project researchers


2. Systematic literature review (SLR)

  • Searching, collecting, and systematizing literature on the topic

  • Special focus on governance models

  • Discussing interpretation and themes with the other Hiwi and project researchers





  • Master student with focus/interest in one or more of these areas: Environmental policy analysis, Water Governance, Flood Risk Management, Disaster Risk Reduction, Participation,

  • Basic knowledge in social science methods, interest in mixed methods research,

  • Motivation for team work,

  • Reliability and independence,

  • Flexibility in terms of time,

  • Good knowledge of the Microsoft Office packages,

  • Very good English Language Skills,

  • Previous experience with Social Network Analysis (SNA) and/or Data Analysis Software (MAXQDA) and literature management software are an advantage.



Apply until 31.10.2021 by sending a short motivation (max 1 page) and curriculum vitae (both in PDF-format) by e-mail to ( Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact same email address.





Master Thesis Announcement: Social Media Analysis on forest dieback

Drought, heat, and related bark beetle outbreaks have impacted the state of German forests in recent years, resulting in challenges for forest management as it is confronted with a variety of ecological changes and societal demands. This situation has led to an increase in forest related debates in the public and political discourse, illustrating conflicting understandings and interests. 

The announced master thesis will analyse how this debate is being displayed and discussed on social media. For this purpose, Twitter data retrieved with MAXQDA and NodeXL will provide the data basis for a qualitative and/or quantitative analysis to answer the following research questions (examples):

·       Which actors are represented in the debate about German forests on Twitter?

·       Which discourse coalitions can be identified?

·       Which frames do actors apply on Twitter?

o   Is there a relation between the interaction (tweets, retweets, replies) and the applied frames?

o   What form of argumentation do actors use on Twitter?

o   On what forms of knowledge do actors refer in their argumentation?

·       Are “traditional” forms of media represented in the discourses on Twitter? Are they referenced by actors on Twitter?


  •  Experience in quantitative or qualitative social science research 

  •  Interest in current challenges of forests related discourses or communication in environmental policies

  •  Experience with analysing software (e.g. MAXQDA or NodeXL) is of advantage

  •  Reliable, independent and self-reliant work

  •  Proficiency in German especially for qualitative analysis


We provide:

  •  supervision of a master thesis in the novel field of social media research embedded in an ongoing research project (ConFoBi | C2) at the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy

  •  freedom in developing an own methodological approach and theoretical framework


For questions and interest in pursuing the topic please contact Philipp Mack and Dr. Ida Wallin




Scientific/Student Assistant (f/m/d) wanted!

We are looking for a research/student assistant from May 1, 
2021 to support the research project PARADeS (Participatory assessment of flood related disaster prevention and development of an adapted coping system in Ghana). Our team at the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy leads the work-packages on policy and participatory governance where we specifically research deficits and strengths of existing policies and governance in Flood Disaster Risk Management (FDRM). Our current task is to identify and analyse actor and policy networks for FDRM in Ghana. In the coming two years, we will evaluate the insights together with stakeholders to identify policy options for participatory flood risk governance and capacity training centre.

The position is limited to 3 months. However, there is the possibility of an extension. The scope of work amounts to a maximum of 40 hours per month, depending on the current workload in the project and the availability of the assistant.


Your Tasks:

  • Literature review (searching, collecting, and coding),

  • Maintenance of literature databases,

  • Support with Social Network Analysis (data collection and analysis),

  • Transcription of interviews



  • Master student with focus/interest in one or more of these areas: Environmental policy analysis, Water Governance, Flood Risk Management, Disaster Risk Reduction, Participation,

  • Basic knowledge in social science methods, interest in mixed methods research,

  • Motivation for innovative collaboration,

  • Reliability and independence,

  • Flexibility in terms of time,

  • Good knowledge of the office packages.

  • Very good English Language Skills

  • Previous experience with Social Network Analysis (SNA) and/or Data Analysis Software (MAXQDA) and literature management software (Citavi) are an advantage.


Apply until 20.04.2021 by sending a short motivation and curriculum vitae (PDF-Format) by e-mail to Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact same email address.




The 3rd International Forest Policy Meeting (IFPM3) will be hosted

by our Chair!

This 3rd International Forest Policy Meeting (IFPM3) is planned as an online forum for discussion and exchange of ideas on to-date research in the area of forest policy. Traditional presentations about forest policy research will be complemented by the formats of 3-minutes-thesis presentations. The program will be completed by a key note presentation and different forms of online interaction.
The purpose of the meeting is to facilitate networking and dialogue amongst forest policy interested researchers with a particular emphasis on creating a safe and nurturing atmosphere for junior researchers to present and discuss their work. For this reason, we welcome all forest policy interested scholars – and in particular junior scholars – to present their work and engage with each other in the online sessions and plenaries.

We are looking forward to seeing you all on the 17 and 18th of March!

For more informations about the event, please visit:





Wissenschaftliche/Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) gesucht!

Im Projekt DIVINKO suchen wir ab 1. Januar 2021 einewissen-schaftliche oder studentische Hilfskraft zur Unterstützung der laufenden Forschungsarbeiten. Das Projekt befasst sichin einem ersten Schrittmit der Fragestellung, welche Bedingungen die Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeitzwischen Waldbesitzenden in Forstwirtschaftlichen Zusammenschlüssen beeinflussen.

Im weiteren Projektverlauf sollen über eine partizipative Methode aus der Zukunftsforschung (Backcasting Workshops) Soziale Innovationen für Forstwirtschaftliche Zusammenschlüsse entwickelt werden. Besonderes Augenmerk wirdhierbei auf Gruppen von Waldbesitzenden gelegt, die in der Kooperation bisher vernachlässigt worden sind, wie beispielsweise Frauen oder Waldbesitzende mit nicht ökonomischen Interessen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier


                                                                              Author: sanuas (


Assessing flood related disaster prevention and development in Ghana

Three researchers from our chair are involved within the international project PARADeS - Participatory assessment of flood related disaster prevention and development of an adapted coping system in Ghana.
The research team in Freiburg is led by Dr. Sylvia Kruse (principle investigator) together with Post Doc Dr. Ida Wallin. Mr Fafali Roy Ziga-Abortta is the newest addition to our team and will be conducting his  PhD studies within the project.

The aim of the PARADeS project is to contribute to enhancing Ghana’s national flood disaster risk reduction and management strategy by investigating key mechanisms (drivers, pressures, state, impact, response), existing flood risk management, human-water interaction, and development of scenarios, action plans and feasible measures. This will be carried out through innovative socio-technical participatory approaches.

The team at the Chair of Forest and Environmental policy (Uni-Freiburg) leads the work-packages on policy and participatory governance through analysing deficits, structures and strengths of existing policies and governance in Flood Risk Management (FRM) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Ghana, identifying policy networks for FRM and evaluating the insights together with stakeholders to identify policy options for participatory flood risk governance and to support their long-term implementation through capacity building.

Author: lapping (



We're looking for student assistants for project on illegal exploitation

of natural resources 

We're looking for 1-2 Student Assistents to perform literature Search, collection and coding 

Are you interested to learn more about illegal exploitation of natural resources (ex.,Forests…)? 

We are looking on short notice for 1-2 student assistants at the chair of Forest and Environmental Policy for searching and collecting scientific literature on illegal natural resource activities. Subsequently, the collected papers will be coded, responding to a number of questions. It is possible to use the data as the basis for a thesis. 


  • Good English language skills

  • Precise and reliable way of working 


Please contact  (soon) per email:



Two PhDs from our chair get prize at 3MT competition!

Our faculty´s Graduate School ESGC hosted today, 03.03.2020 the second 3 Minute Thesis Competition (3MT). The 3MT offers doctoral students the opportunity to present their research in three minutes to an interested lay audience in both an entertaining and easily understood way. This format fits perfectly into one of the main goals of the Graduate School, which is to make the research conducted at the faculty more visible.

Two of our colleagues Eulalia Baulenas and Nicholas Ndlovu snatched the Public's Choice Award and the Runner-up Prize!


   EULI.jpg                Nicho.jpg



Gewinnerteam Wissenschaftsjahr 2020- Bioökonomie

Jährlich ruft Wissenschaft im Dialog im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung zumaktuellen Thema des Wissenschaftsjahres den Hochschulwettbewerb aus. Studierende, Promovierende und Postdocs sind aufgefordert, Vorschläge für Kommunikationsprojekte einzureichen.

Im Rahmen des Wissenschaftsjahrs 2020 - Bioökonomie sind im Hochschulwettbewerb 15 Gewinnerteams von Nachwuchsforschenden und jungen Forschergruppen für ihre Kommunikationsideen ausgezeichnet worden.

Alex Giurca (Forstpolitik) und Markus Herbener (Forstgeschichte) sind eines der Gewinnerteams, und dürfen ihr  Projekt "Die Abenteuer von Alex und der Bioman - ein Comicbuch zur Bioökonomie" verwirklichen.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!





19.02 .2020

The future of forests managed for our manifold demands-

an international perspective

Forests are among our planet’s most important human life-supporting ecosystem.

But: how do major global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss affect forests globally, and what can forest governance and management do? How can we deal with rising and changing demands for forest products and ecosystem services due to global population and economic growth, and urbanization? How can forest policy navigate between demands originating from other policy sectors, such as agriculture, environment, energy, and rural development? 

We will discuss these and more questions in the framework of the international conference “Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe”, taking place on 26th-28th February at the Caesar Research Centre, Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2, 53175 Bonn, Germany.

The conference is organized by European Forest Institute in collaboration with several international partners, and it will bring together ca. 200 international policymakers, practitioners and researchers from different fields, promoting interdisciplinary and inter-generational dialogues. Our colleague Dr. Metodi Sotirov will be among the speakers. 

Together we will explore how trade-offs and synergies between different forest ecosystem services are perceived, governed and managed across Europe and beyond. We will exchange distinct concepts for integrated forest management that tries to meet diverse societal demands. Furthermore, we will discuss how such management concepts impact both forest ecology and economics, and how these are linked to specific outcomes like biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The conference will also be livestreamed via



28.01 .2020

Call for papers for the ECPR general conference  

“Illegal use of natural resources: conflicts, governance settings and policy response”

Chair: Daniela Kleinschmit (University of Freiburg, Germany)

Co-Chair: Sylvia Kruse (University of Freiburg, Germany)

The panel is part of the section Environmental Politics at the ECPR 2020 General Conference. Please submit papers until 18 February 2020 through the ECPR website. Please notify chair and co-chair of your submission.

Natural resources are threatened by an increasing expansion of illegal activities all over the globe. Illegal use of natural resources leads in most cases to violations of regulations, property rights, and social justice and might negatively affect sustainable development in the long run. At the same time, unauthorized or illegal activities are common and sometimes even socially accepted. Some of these illegal activities gained high public and political attention, e.g. hunting rhinos. In contrast, others are hardly acknowledged, e.g. illegal extraction of water or unauthorized sand exploitation, and have not received policy responses so far.

This panel aims to provide an analysis of conflicts, governance settings and policy responses related to diverse forms of illegal use of natural resources, including for example illegal logging, illegal fishing, poaching, illegal mining or illegal use of water from a governance perspective. Based on the assumption that weak governance supports illegal activities the governance context of and policy responses to illegal natural resource activities are of particular interest for this panel. The panel considers illegal use of natural resources as neglected topic of environmental politics and welcomes both empirical and theoretical contributions. Presentations may take an international relations, public policy or environmental governance perspective covering diverse theoretical and conceptual schools of thoughts. Interest, institution or idea driven presentation will provide various analysis of conflicts about, policy responses to and governance settings of illegal natural resource activities.Case studies, case comparisons as well as empirical analysis on different scales will help to draw conclusions across sectors about causes and management of conflicts, the effect of governance settings as well as policy responses to illegal activities.

Complementing the empirical perspective theoretical contributions, e.g. discussing the concept of illegality in comparison to crime, conflicts about ownership, land tenure and common goods, or reflecting on the role of international relations are invited to contribute.The panel is intended as a starting point for further discussions on illegal use of natural resources from an international relations, public policy as well as governance perspective heading for a common publication. 




12.07 .2019

Peter Kanowski receives honorary doctorate 

The Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg has awarded a honorary doctorate to Prof. Dr. Peter Kanowski from the Australian National University in Canberra. Prof. Kanowski is one of the most renowned researchers worldwide in the field of international forest governance. For the past three years, he has also been teaching at the University of Freiburg for one month every summer. He has contributed significantly to cultivating the international focus of the University of Freiburg’s Master of Sciences in Forest Sciences degree program.


The University of Freiburg thanks Prof. Kanowski for his commitment and hopes to benefit from his expertise for many more years to come. 


                  Dr Lisa Robins (L), Prof. Dr. Peter Kanowski (M) and Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit (R) at the award ceremony (J. Bauhus)


Erasmus Prize for Liberal Arts go to one of our PhD graduates 

The University College Freiburg (UCF) of the University of Freiburg has awarded the 2019 Erasmus Prize for the Liberal Arts and Sciences to Lena Kulla and Dr. Alex Giurca. 

The UCF awards the prize annually in two categories, that cover both Bachelor and Master theses as well as dissertations and postdoctoral work, for the exemplary treatment of a subject including interdisciplinary aspects, and for enabling bridges to be built between different disciplines. The award is sponsored by the Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau Sparkasse.

Alex analyzed the concept of the forest-based bioeconomy from an interdisciplinary perspective in his dissertation. His

 work drew on approaches from political science and innovation studies. In addition, Alex focused on different networks of players in three European countries – Germany, Finland and Sweden – and examined how the bioeconomy discourse is shaped and by whom. His results show that the relationship of the forest and wood sectors to the bioeconomy differs in the three countries. Alex has found that in Germany in particular, specialized networks of players from the chemistry and biotechnology industry dominate the debate, and other players are only marginally relevant. His work was supervised by the head of out chair, Prof Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit and Prof. Dr. Anne Toppinen from the University of Helsinki.



                                                                                   Award ceremony (I. Wallin)


Studentische Hilfskraft gesucht  

Für die Projektmitarbeit im Rahmen des SFB Projekts „Konstruktion von Muße im Wald“ suchen wir eine engagierte und zuverlässige studentische Hilfskraft.

Zeitraum: Einstellung ab sofort

Umfang: 20 – 30 h pro Monat

Aufgaben: Projektassistenz, qualitative und quantitative Datenanalyse, Literaturrecherche

Voraussetzung: Sie sind zuverlässig, selbstständig und genau arbeitend und haben Interesse an einem innovativen und spannenden Forschungs-zugang in der Forstwissenschaft.


Ihre Bewerbung senden Sie bitte ab sofort an:





KERNiG präsentiert Forschungsergebnisse auf der Slow Food Messe

in Stuttgart  

Wo lässt sich besser über nachhaltige Ernährung in der Stadt sprechen, als umrahmt von kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten bester handwerklicher Qualität? In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Städtetag Baden-Württemberg hat das Verbundforschungsprojekt KERNiG am 25. April 2019 auf der Slow Food Messe in Stuttgart seine Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt. Von der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik hat die Teilprojektleiterin Sylvia Kruse die Ergebnisse aus dem Bereich Politikintegration auf dem Podium vorgestellt und diskutiert. In einer abschließenden Posterpräsentation hat die Projektmitarbeiterin Jana Baldy ein Poster mit dem Titel „Framing kommunaler Ernährung: Rahmen und ihre Bedeutung für eine nachhaltige Gestaltung des Ernährungssystems“ vorgestellt.

Einen kurzen Bericht über die gesamte Veranstaltung finden Sie unter folgendem Link

Hier können Sie unseren Poster herunterladen: 

Poster Kernig .jpg


Save the Date - 25. April 2019: Abschlussveranstaltung "Nachhaltig satt

in der Stadt" 

Das Forschungsprojekt KERNiG zu nachhaltigen kommunalen Ernährungssystemen präsentiert am 25. April 2019 auf der Slow-Food-Messe in Stuttgart seine Ergebnisse.

Die Ernährung ist aus Konsumsicht für etwa ein Drittel des ökologischen Fußabdrucks verantwortlich und daher ein wichtigerer Faktor für die Nachhaltigkeit. Ernährung müsste entsprechend auch in den Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen von Städten ein drängendes Thema sein. Das Verbundprojekt „Kommunale Ernährungssysteme als Schlüssel zu einer umfassend-integrativen Nachhaltigkeits-Governance“ (KERNiG) der Universitäten Freiburg, Kassel, Friedrichshafen, des Forschungsinstituts für biologischen Landbau sowie NAHhaft e.V. zeigt am Beispiel von Leutkirch im Allgäu und Waldkirch im Breisgau auf, wie sich Ernährungssysteme kommunalpolitisch in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit verändern lassen.


Donnerstag, den 25. April 2019 von 15:15 – 18:00 Uhr

auf der Slow-Food-Messe in Stuttgart, Halle 5, Forumsbühne

Klicken Sie hier zur Anmeldung

Zum Herunterladen des Programms klicken Sie hier



                                                                                                  Der Markt in Leutkirch (Foto: Stadt Leutkirch im Allgäu)



How can trees help you find health and happiness?

Join digital summits on International Day of Happiness (March 20) and International Day of Forests (March 21) to hear three fascinating speakers explore the relationship between nature and human health and wellbeing 

Join Dr. Qing Li, a global leader on forest medicine, and Julia Plevin, design entrepreneur and healing specialist and Sibylle Roth, Ph.D. candidate at our chair researching ‘Muße’, a German concept related to mindfulness and forests.

Sign up to join them on 28 March:






Looking for an exciting Bachelor/Master thesis topic?

Dear students,

the chair group Forest and Environmental Policy invites students to the presentation of topics for Msc/Bsc thesis in the field of forest and environmental policy on 14th Feburary 2019, 14:30-15:30h in the seminar room/library Herderbau 4th floor. The topics that are currently offered for Msc/Bsc thesis will be presented by the supervisors followed by the possibility to talk about details on requirements, timeframe etc.

An overview on the current topics at the chair group Forest and Environmental Policy can be found under

There is also the possibility that students who bring their own ideas for thesis topics talk to potential first or second supervisors at the proposed date.

See you there!



The wolf attracts big crowd! 

The seminar “Der Wolf - eine sozialwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung“ filled the room on the evening of the 15th of January. Since 2012 there are wolves both in Denmark and the Schwarzwald in Germany. Ever since scholars and other observers in both countries have seen a conflict escalation with fake news and myths spreading like fire throughout different media. Yesterday’s seminar aimed at giving new perspectives on the wolf issue from different social science disciplines and reflect upon future opportunities for a more constructive debate about wolfs in society.  

Dr. Stefan Ehrhart from the FVA Freiburg gave a general introduction about the wolf in Germany and presented results from their recent survey focusing on stakeholders’ values and believes related to nature and wildlife in and around the North Schwarzwald National Park. The seminar moved on to the cultural anthropological perspective and the presentation by Dr Marion Mangelsdorf, University of Freiburg. She gave an overview of Human Animal studies and different perspectives on animals, especially wolves, throughout history. Did you know it was only in the early 19th century that philosopher Jeremy Bentham opened up for the discussion that animals should be protected from suffering within the frames of the law? How we regard animals has consequences for how we should approach the management of Wolves, Marion concluded. The final presentation by Dr  Hans Peter Hansen, Aarhus University (Denmark) gave some hope concerning the possibilities to find common grounds to discuss the future of the wolf - at least in Denmark. The majority of wolves in Denmark are located in North-Western Jutland where Hans Peter together with colleagues have facilitated a citizen dialogue regarding the future of the wolf in the area. To their surprise they found that there are not so many extremists among the local populations, but that many are ambivalent when it comes to the wolf’s existence locally. This means that there is a possibility to find common stand points and pathways through deliberation.

We thank the speakers for their interesting and through-provoking presentations and the audience for their interest and good questions!




Vortrag zum Thema "Transforming Water Governance: A diagnostic


Am Montag den 14. Januar um 10:30 Uhr wird Frau Prof. Claudia Pahl-Wostl von der  Universität Osnabrück  einenVortragzum Thema "Transforming Water Governance: A diagnostic approach"  halten. Die Verantaltung findet im Seminarraum 400, Herderbau, Freiburg statt und alle sind herzlich eingeladen.








Der Wolf- eine Sozialwissenschaftlische Auseinandersetzung 

das kommende Seminar Institut für Forstwissenschaften findet am 15.01.2019 statt und widmet sich dem sehr aktuellen Thema „Der Wolf – eine sozialwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung“. Zu diesem Seminar sind Sie herzlich eingeladen.

Es findet ab 17.00 im Raum 400 im 4. OG des Herderbaus statt. Program



International authors’ workshop on “Global Forest Environmental

Frontiers” hosted in Freiburg

Dr. Metodi Sotirov from our chair, together with Dr. Georg Winkel from the European Forest Institute hosted a two-day authors’ workshop here in Freiburg between the 5th and 6th of December. The goal of the workshop was to present and discuss leading policy and natural scientists’ scientific contributions for a special issue that will address the “Global Forest Environmental Frontier”. The frontier concept shows diverse facets including policy and economy led changes and functional tensions at the bio-physical borders between different land uses such as forestry, agriculture, nature conservation, and water management. It also deals with policy changes and management conflicts between actors and institutions from the forestry, environmental and land use sectors. The main substantive foci include controversies related to deforestation, forest degradation, illegal logging and associated timber trade, as well as livelihoods issues in the Amazon, Central Africa, China, Russia, and South-East Asia. Further important foci are forest biodiversity loss, the controversial role of forests and forestry in climate change mitigation and adaptation, forest sustainability risks (e.g., forest fires) and conflicts over multiple competing forest uses in Europe, Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand. 

The special issue aims to take stock of, review and synthesize the socio-environmental research efforts in policy analysis, environmental governance, sociology, political economy and political ecology that have been conducted along this frontier in the forest regions of the world. It will also give a broad overview and comparative synthesis of the current state, dynamics, and possible future directions of the “Global Forest Environment Frontier”. 

The international authors’ workshop brought together regional insights and analytical perspectives building upon reviews and original thematic contributions relating to major topics along the forest environment frontier. The special issue is planned to appear in 2020. The organizers of the workshop are grateful to Stihl Foundation for the generous financial support for this event. 



                                                                       Authors' workshop participants (Photo: I.Wallin)


The future role of forest bioeconomy in Europe 

Prof Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit discussed today, 20th of November 2018, the importance of circular forest-bioeconomy, during the Forest-based sector technology platform (FTP) conference 2018, held in Vienna, Austria. The focus of this year's conference is on "Vision 2040: the future role of the forest-based bioeconomy in Europe".

The FTP conference 2018 is an event of the Austrian EU presidency, organised by the Forest-based Sector Technology Platform.

Find out more about the program here

                                                                                      Photo: Andre Purret 


PhD Position at our chair: Agroforestry in Southern Africa 

Our chair is offering a PhD position on "Agroforestry in Southern Africa - new Pathways of innovative landuse systems under a changing climate". The position is part-time (65 %), Start-date: At the earliest possible date. The position is limited to 30.11.2021.


  • Exceptional results in a Master Programme on social sciences and environment.

  • Knowledge of agroforestry, environmental governance or similar in Southern Africa

  • Experiences in data collection and analysis

  • Own initiative, independent working style, ability to work in (intercultural) teams, social competencies

  • Very good knowledge of English

  • Knowledge of working with different disciplines and practitioners.

Find out more about here

For more information, contact  Dr. Lars Borrrass on the phone number +49 761 3720 or E-Mail



Second Indo-German Dialogue on Green Urban Practices

Are you interested in intercultural dialogue, transdisciplinarity, urban transformation and sustainable land use?

Then take part in the second Indo-German Dialogue on Urban Green Practices, Nov 8-10 in Herderbau, Freiburg


The core topics will be education, communication and training.

Find more details on the dialogue and the registration HERE



Visit from New Zealand


We are happy to welcome Dr. Peter Edwards, researcher at the New Zealand Forest Research Institute to our chair!

He has come for a week of research collaboration on the topic of participation in relation to a potential LBA on forests within the EU.

Last month, a roundtable meet was organized in Bratislava for finding a cause of action. Peter together with Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit attended the meeting as observers.

During his time here in Freiburg, Peter hopes to advance some research papers and connect with research colleagues before he continues to TESAF, University of Padua in Italy for a 1-month fellowship. 




Thank you Peter, and see you next year! 

Peter Kanowski, professor at the Australia National University (ANU), has been guest professor here at the chair for the last three weeks, teaching the professional course International Forest Governance to students and practitioners.

Peter has been visiting our institute every summer, for a couple of years now, sharing his experience with students from Freiburg and around world. We thank Peter for his excellent efforts during the course and look forward to having him here again next year!



Überraschungsurteil im Kartellverfahren gegen Baden-Württemberg 

Forschung zur Pfadabhängigkeit bekommt neue Richtung

Das seit Monaten erwartete Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs, das die Aufhebung des Beschlusses vom 9. Juli 2015 und des Urteils vom Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf beinhaltet, hat konkrete Auswirkungen auf die aktuelle forstpolitische Forschung. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist fraglich, ob die bis dato geschaffenen Strukturen der Betreuung im Privat- und Kommunalwald bestehen bleiben, wie sie weiterentwickelt werden und inwiefern forstliche Akteure den eingeschlagenen Weg fortsetzen. Die Betrachtung dieser Pfadabhängigkeiten ermöglicht neue Erkenntnisse zur Entwicklung der Kooperationen im Privat- und Kommunalwald.

Die Projektförderung durch die Eva Mayr-Stihl Stiftung ermöglicht diese politikwissenschaftliche Begleitforschung.



Successful PhD defense

Today we are happy to congratulate Ophelia Soliku from our chair for successfully defending her PhD thesis. Ophelia's work focused on comanagement and conflict resolution in national parks in Ghana and Germany.

Her work was supervised by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml from the FVA and Prof. Dr. Ilse Storch, chair of Wildlife Ecology and Management.

The thesis committee evaluating Ophelia's work additionally included the head of our chair Prof. Dr, Daniela Kleinschmit and the head of environmental governance, Prof. Dr. Heiner Schanz. 

Ophelia (middle) and her evaluation committee (Photo: L.Partzsch)


DIABOLO Annual Project Meeting in Madrid

This year's DIABOLO Annual Project Meeting took place in Madrid, Spain between 28-29 May 2018. Tanya Baycheva-Merger represented our chair at the meeting.

The event brought together all DIABOLO consortium members at the INIA – Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria. Members presented the results of the different project work packages and discussed the final steps for the project wrap-up next year.  


DIABOLO consortium members (Photo: Hernandez L. and Madrigal G.)




Daniela Kleinschmit participates in Forest Europe workshop in


The head of our chair, Daniela Kleinschmit provided input to the FOREST EUROPE workshop "Enhancing the Long-term Competitiveness of the Forest Sector in a Green Economy: policies for forest-based bioeconomy in Europe" discussing the needs for international governance. 

The event was held in the Norway House, Brussels. Belgium. The event brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, ranging from policy makers, researchers and businesses from across the pan-European region to discuss issues of the forest sector competitiveness, and look for effective policy measures at international, national and regional levels.


                                                       Panel discussion during Forest Europe workshop (Photo:Ambrusova L.)


The planet has a fever! Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris?

Early career Researchers from the INOGOV ECIN network, together with other researchers, students and other stakeholders convened a workshop on “Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris: Expectations, Challenges and Pathways” from 12-14 April in Freiburg, Germany. A team from the University of Freiburg and the Technical University of Darmstadt organized the workshop, which had attracted funding from the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. The program featured a series keynotes by Jonas Schönefeld, Professor Frank Biermann, Professor Philipp Pattberg and Dr Sabine Reinecke. One of the highlights of the evening was a short skit from the Freiburg Scientific Theatre. The public event concluded with the presentation of the three best photos submitted to the “Prima Klima Freiburg” competition, an event sponsored by the Sustainability Center Freiburg. 

During the following days, the workshop participants presented scientific paper drafts and received feedback from peers and renowned professors from the field of climate and sustainability governance. The workshop was characterized by its interactive formats like 'Walk and Talk' and a 'World Café'. Many discussions asked to what extent polycentric governance is a helpful concept to study efforts to contain or deal with climate change. Outputs include a new ResearchGate group, and new ideas for future publications and workshops.

Read more about the event here

Researchers from the INOGOV ECIN network




Successful 2nd International Forest Policy Meeting 

A hundred participants from 20 countries participated in the Second International Forest Policy Meeting held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, between the 11 to 13 April 2018. The even brought together social scientists from different fields of expertise related to European and international forest policy. Several members of our chair participated at the event and held presentations: Daniela Kleinschmit, Andy Selter, Ida Wallin, Alex Giurca, Eulalia Baulenas and Matthias Sonnhoff. We are looking forward to the next meeting which will be held in Copenhagen in 2020. 


Participants of the 2nd IFPM (Photo: Keen-Mun P.)



Public Event: Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris:Expectations,

Challenges and Pathways 


12. April 2018, 17 o'clock


Hörsaal Anatomie (Albertstr. 19, Institutsviertel, Freiburg)

Do you know what polycentric climate governance means? 

Latest since the historical signature of the Paris Agreement, the international 

community has entered a new era ofclimate cooperation. Rather than asking governments to solve everything, all sorts of public and private actors actively engage in global climate action. Examples are innovative business or finance models, implementing standards and certification, or NGO activism. Academically, such co-operation of state and non-state actors is not a new phenomenon. However, its impacts have not been sufficiently investigated to allow for a complete picture about their potentials, as well as about risks and limitations. At this public event, local and renowned international climate governance scholars will discuss with the audience whether and how such polycentric settings may actually contribute to effective climate policies. 



 Inspiring Talk- 'Michael Pollan'by  Pierre Omidyar under CC BY 2.0-License     


The event aims to build on innovative formats, such as Inspiring Climate Talks and a short performance by the Freiburg Scientific Theater, which are both informative and entertaining ways of spreading knowledge, ideas and to provoke thoughts and discussions.

The event is kindly supported by the Sustainability Center Freiburg

If you are an interested citizen, student, scholar or committed actor from the region: 

Please join our discussions on climate governance and have fun! 


Program outline (17:00-19:30):


Keynote (Andy Jordan, UEA, Norwich, UK)

Inspiring Climate Talks: Frank Biermann (Utrecht, NL), Philipp Pattberg (Amsterdam, NL), Sabine Reinecke (Freiburg,D) featuring: Freiburg Scientific Theater

Announcement of the winners of the Photo competition “Prima Klima in Freiburg”

Participants will have the chance to discuss directly with the speakers during and after the event 

ytknick-Photos-300px.pngParticipate in our Photo Competition!


Download the flyer




The PerForm project receives funding from EFI's Network Fund


A consortium of eight research institutes has received funding for networking activities "Perceiving the Forest-based Sector in the Bioeconomy" (PerForm). The Group starts its activity in april 2018 and aims to better understand regional disparities of national bioeconomy policies and the perceptions of a forest-based bioeconomy. The network will provide the opportunity to coordinate research endeavours, produce replicable studies and comparative results (e.g. similar research design) in order to compare the level of acceptance and integration of the forest-based sector into national bioeconomy policies and the perception and acceptance of forest stakeholders and urban consumers of a forest-based bioeconomy.The main outcomes of this cooperation network are: scientific publications, an online information platform as well as an e-learning course about the forest-based bioeconomy. The project is coordinated by the head of our chair, Daniela Kleinschmit. Consortium partners include: University of Helsinki (Finland), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria), National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (France), University of Padova (Italy), Technical University in Zvolen (Slovakia).

Find out more here


                                                                         View our short Explainer video 


Deforestation is a wicked problem    

Daniela Kleinschmit participated as one of the panelists in the session on the “Role of Science and Research” at the international conference in “Working across Sectors to Halt Deforestation and Increase Forest Area – from Aspiration to Action”  organized by FAO and CPF held in Rome from 20th-22nd  of February  2018. She described deforestation as a "wicked problem" deserving comprehensive knowledge but due to its character providing a challenge for research. Daniela Kleinschmit asks for orchestrating different forms of knowledge in the already existing global network governance.

                                             Panel discussion on 'Role of science and research' in halting deforestation (Photo: A. Buck)



Improving Communication and Exchange of Forest Information for

Sustainable Forestry and Forest-related Policies in Europe 

The EU H2020 funded project DIABOLO organizes a series of European dialogue groups workshops. These are a timely workshops to discuss the challenges facing the European forestry sector in relation to the demand, provision and exchange of information for sustainable forestry and forest-related policies. Our chair, together with the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) organized the latest workshop, which was held between the 13th and 15th of February at the European Forestry House in Brussels. The workshop is kindly supported by the Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) and the European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR). 

The output of the workshop will be of interest to established National Forest Inventories and to countries embarking on NFI for the first time. The outcomes are expected to contribute to relevant key actions of the new EU Forest Strategy, ongoing discussions for a Forest Information System for Europe (FISE), and other European forest relevant monitoring and reporting processes (e.g., FOREST EUROPE SFM reporting, Natura 2000 monitoring, EU climate and bioenergy targets and LULUCF accounting). 

                                                            DIABOLO worshop in progress (Photo: T. Baycheva-Merger)


Wie kampagnenfähig sind eigentlich Forst- und Holzwirtschaft? 

Kommunikation in und mit der Gesellschaft, ist ein Thema, dass den Forst- und Holzsektor seit langem umtreibt. Daher stand die „Kampagnenfähigkeit“  im Zentrum des 38. Freiburger Winterkolloquium Forst und Holz 2018 . Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums wurde das Thema anhand von Beiträgen ausgewiesener Expertinnen und Experten aus Theorie und Praxis, aus dem Sektor und über den Sektor hinaus beleuchtet. Damit wurden neue Einsichten ermöglicht und eine informierte Diskussionen initiiert.  

Die Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik hat die Veranstaltung gemeinsam mit vier weiteren Professuren (Forstökonomie und Forstplanung, Environmental Governance, Forstliche Biomaterialien und Forstliche Verfahrenstechnik) der Fakultät für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen, organisiert und durchgeführt. 

Wir danken allen Redner*innen und Teilnehmer*innen für die interessanten Diskussionen und freuen uns aufs nächstes Jahr.




Researchers from our chair participate in international Bioeconomy


Three researchers from our chair: Prof. Dr. Daniela Klienschmit, Alex Giurca and Dr. Metodi Sotirov participated in the latest 'What Science Can Tell Us' study from the European Forest Institute. The study is titled : 'Towards a sustainable European forest-based bioeconomy- assessment and the way forward' and assesses the scientific evidence and provides a synthesis of existing knowledge for policymakers on the importance of forests and the forest-based sector in contributing to the future European bioeconomy. It assesses the economic, social and environmental sustainability of a forest-based bioeconomy, and looks at issues that may affect its development. Our colleagues were part of the 48 scientists from 27 research institutes in 12 countries to contribute to the report.

The report is freely downloadable HERE


Guest Visit from Prof. Dr. C. Weible 

Prof. Dr. Christopher Weible from the University of Colorado Denver, School of Public Affaires, USA  held a key note talk during a public seminar event, hosted by the University of Freiburg, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources. The event took place on Monday, 4th of December, in seminar room 400, Herderbau, Tennenbacher Str.4. 

During the guest visit, Prof. Weible held a well-attended and well-received public lecture on “Analyzing and Understanding Environmental and Land Use Policy Conflicts” at the School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Freiburg. In addition, Prof. Weible gave valuable feedback to PhD researchers at the IFP working on analyzing environmental, natural resource and forest policy issues. He also provided useful teaching to and training of students enrolled in MSc “Environmental Sciences” taking classes in a module on “Analysis of Environmental Policy”. 

Read the press release here



New Strategy for a European Circular Bioeconomy 

The Chair of our institute, Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit participated in the panel discussion ' European regional outlook for circular bioeconomy' together with other experts at the European Circular Bioeconomy event organized by the European Forest Institute on the 7th of November 2017 in Brussels. A new strategy for the European circular bioeconomy was discussed at this event. The afternoon session focused on a series of important questions regarding the outlook for a circular bioeconomy, such as: 

Why do we need a European circular economy strategy?

What should its main ingredients be?

What is the outlook for a sustainable European forest bioeconomy?

What bioeconomy gaps do we still need to fill

Learn more about program of the session HERE 

The live-stream from the event is available online Watch live



Natura 2000 and Forests 

Dr. Metodi Sotirov, Senior Researcher at our department, presented a new European study on "Natura 2000 and forests: Assessing the state of implementation and effectiveness’ at a Policy-Science Seminar on 27 September 2017 in Brussels. The study’s main outcomes and policy recommendations were discussed at the EFI's ThinkForest seminar, ‘Implementing Natura 2000 in forests: Lessons learned and looking ahead’ More information can be found here

The presentation was received very positively by representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament, Member States, stakeholder groups and scientists, with widespread approval, agreement, and frequent reference to the study.

This new What Science Can Tell Us Study, commissioned by the European Forest Institute and funded by a Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Policy Support, bridges important gaps in scientific and practitioners' knowledge. It looks from policy, economic and ecological perspectives at the monitoring of forest biodiversity in Europe, as well as the challenges, achievements, effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of Natura 2000 in forests in the EU.

The interdisciplinary scientific study was coordinated by Dr. Metodi Sotirov, University of Freiburg and  conducted by a team of 20 scientists from 11 research institutes in 10 countries. It was published on 21.09.2017, and is freely downloadable:

An executive summary is available: 



Guest from Australia

Professor Lucca Tacconi from the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University is a short term guest researcher at the Chair of Silviculture and Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy. We were pleased to have him at our institute. On September 25th Lucca presented his work on “Forest and Corruption”. We look forward to future collaborationswith him and his team in Australia.


Find more about Lucca and his work here



Die Bioökonomie – Modewort oder Zukunftskonzept?

Im einem Interview für BIOPRO erklärt Alex Giurca mehr über seiner Doktorarbeit an der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik der Universität Freiburg wo er zusammen mit seine Betreuerin Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit im Projekt „Lignocellulose-basierte Bioökonomie: Akteure und ihre Netzwerke“ forscht. Das Forschungsprojekt verbindet forstliches Know-how mit politikwissenschaftlicher Methodik, um der Bioökonomie auf den Zahn zu fühlen:

Wir versuchen zu verstehen, was der Wandel zu einer holzbasierten Bioökonomie eigentlich bedeutet. Was beinhaltet der Begriff und was für Akteure sind daran beteiligt? Und: Ist der Wandel möglich?

Das vollständige Interview HIER


Rohstoff Holz - was machen wir daraus? © Alex Giurca



Scholarship from King Carl XVI Gustaf's 50th Jubilee Foundation for

Science, Technology and the Environment

Since 1996 the King of Sweden awards scholarships to young researchers from Swedish Universities. The Foundation's purpose is to promote research, technological development and entrepreneurship, which contributes to the sustainable use of natural resources and conservation of biodiversity. Our colleague, Ida Wallin was among this year’s honored nominees and was granted a scholarship of 100 000 SEK for international collaborations with the purpose to develop sustainable private forestry.

Ida is grateful for the nomination by colleagues at SLU and expresses her sincere thanks to the committee for granting her the scholarship. She is now looking forward to make good use of the money in future research endeavors.


Foto: Clas Göran Carlsson , Source: the Swedish Royal Court 



BIOPRO Interview mit Prof Kleinschmit

Eine Milliarde Menschen sind weltweit auf den Wald als Lebensraum angewiesen. Illegale und legale Entwaldung als Folge gefährdet sowohl ihre Lebensgrundlage als auch gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Strukturen und wirkt sich schädlich auf das globale Klima aus. Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit äußert sich über Ursachen und Konsequenzen der Entwaldung in einem Interview für BIOPRO.

Das vollständige Interview HIER 



Testimonlial ahead of the IUFRO Congress 2017

Each week, in the lead up to the congress, the IUFRO organizing committee introduces a person closely involved in the preparations of the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress. This week, the head of our chair, Daniela Kleinschmit, shared some thoughts on the upcoming event :

I am looking forward to be informed about the latest state of the art in forest sciences, to exchange ideas with peers and first and foremost to get inspired. I am of course more than happy that this time I will meet my old and new IUFRO friends in my hometown.”

Read Daniela Kleinschmit’s full testimonial here 



Annual Forest Policy meeting in Slovakia 


The annual forest policy meeting was hosted this year by colleagues from the university of Zvolen Slovakia. The three day event took place in the beautiful village of Stupava, close to Bratislava Slovakia. This year's event brought together forest policy researchers from all German-speaking countries (Germany, Switzerland and Austria) as well as researchers from the Netherlands and Slovakia. The presentations and discussions were divided into different sessions, such as "Bioeconomy and knowledge transfer", "Society and ecosystem services" and "Actors and policy". The three day event also included an excursion around the beautiful city forest of Bratislava, where participants learned more about the everyday challenges and efforts of local forest rangers for keeping the forest in good shape. Three participants: Alex Giurca, Michael Stein and Eulalia Baulenas represented our chair at the conference. Alex and Michael both held presentations on actors and beliefs regarding the wood-based bioeconomy in Germany.

All presentations (in German) held during the event can be found here.






New IUFRO report on illegal logging launched at the CBD

More than 40 renowned scientists from around the world, coordinated by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) on behalf of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), contributed to the report, which was launched at the conference of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Cancún, Mexico. Apart from the scientific chair of the report, three contributing authors ( Daniela KleinschmitMetodi Sotirov and Sina Leipold) are from our chair. 

Daniela Kleinschmit participated in the confernce. The take home message: "no one-size-fits-all solution"

"Policies must embrace the major dimensions of the problem, namely illegal forest conversion, informal logging and all other illegal forest activities including forest crime", said Daniela Kleinschmit, about the assessment in "Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade".

"There is legislation in place in the USA and the EU, for example, to stop illegally harvested timber entering their markets. Theses policy responses might have increasingly positive impacts in the future, but they are by far not enough as these programs do not address the different dimensions associated with illegal logging", she said.

Download full report here


 IUFRO report launch at the CBD (photo: Gerda Wolfrum) 


IUFRO report on illegal logging

Check out the latest IUFRO report titled "Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade - Dimensions, Drivers, Impacts and Responses” edited and co-authored by three of our chair colleagues: Daniela Kleinschmit, Metodi Sotirov and Sina Leipold. The report set out to gain deeper understanding of the meaning of illegal logging and related timber trade, its scale, drivers and consequences. It provides a structured synthesis of available scientific and expert knowledge on illegal logging and associated timber trade while adding to existing studies and reports by sharing new insights, including a criminology perspective and new information about timber and timber product trade flows as well as exploring future policy options and governance responses.

You can download the full report and policy brief here 




The Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy at COP 22 in Marrakesh

Between the 6th and 18th of November, a delegation of the University of Freiburg with students, PhD Students and other researchers - headed by Dr. Sabine Reinecke from the chair of Forest and Environmental Policy - participated in the 22nd Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which took place in Marrakesh, Morocco. The conference started after the celebration of the ratification of the Paris Agreement on the 4th of November 2016, a remarkable fast process in comparison to the Kyoto Protocol. The conference brought together over 22 500 participants, including around 15 800 government officials, 5 400 representatives of UN bodies and agencies, intergovernmental organizations and civil society organizations. The chair members Dr. Sabine Reinecke and Mareike Blum were on site to follow the negotiations, side events and discussions to complement their ongoing research activities with a focus on transnational forest climate governance, REDD+, deforestation policies, climate finance and emission trading mechanisms under Art. 6. The negotiations were mainly about spelling out the technical rules of the Paris Agreement, e.g. how countries should report on the progress of their National Determined Contributions (NDCs). Part of this were also the discussions over accounting methods for the agriculture and forestry sectors, which was however slowed down by the divide between the major agricultural countries in the G77 group (Brazil, Argentina, India, etc.) and industrialized countries. After the election of Trump, which fell in the first week of the conference, the international community sent the clear signal to continue their efforts to implement the Paris Agreement and endorsed the Marrakesh Action Proclamation




Neues Projekt, das die Koordination von Ernährungssystemen in

deutschen Städten erforschen will

Ein neues, an der Universität Freiburg koordiniertes Verbundprojekt will am Beispiel der baden-württembergischen Kreisstädte in den kommenden drei Jahren Möglichkeiten für die Integration von Ernährungssystemen in die nachhaltige kommunale Entwicklung erforschen und anstoßen. Dafür erhalten die Partner eine Förderung von circa 1,1 Millionen Euro vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. An dem Vorhaben beteiligen sich an der Universität Freiburg die Professur für Environmental Governance von Heiner Schanz, die Professur für Sustainability Governance von Michael Pregernig und die Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik von Daniela Kleinschmit.

Mehr Infos 



CIRCULUS project is hiring !

The interdisciplinary project "Circulus: Opportunities and Challenges of Transformation towards a Sustainable Circular Economy" at Freiburg University invites applications for:

Positions are 4 year fixed term, starting March 2017.

For more information, see or contact: or



einen Doktoranden/eine Doktorandin wird gesucht !

Die Professur Forst- und Umweltpolitik der Universität Freiburg sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen Doktoranden/eine Doktorandin "Politikintegration" in dem Projekt KERNiG "Kommunale Ernährnungssysteme als Schlüssel zu einer umfassend-integrativen Nachhaltigkeits-Governance"

Details finden Sie in der Stellenausschreibung hier. Die Bewerbungsfrist ist verlängert worden auf den 21.11.2016.

Bei fragen bitte bei melden.  



Programm des Winterkolloquiums 2017

Das Freiburger Winterkolloquium Forst und Holz findet am 26. und 27. Januar 2017 in Freiburg statt. Das Programm des Winterkolloquiums 2017 ist jetzt verfügbar.  



Keynote Vortrag zur europäischen Bioökonomiestrategie/ Keynote speech on the European Bioeconomy 

Prof. Daniela Kleinschmit hält am 1. September 2016 einen Keynote Vortrag zum Thema „Welche Strategien verfolgt Europa im Bereich Bioökonomie“ im Rahmen der Klagenfurter Forst- und Holzimpulse. In diesem Jahr läuft die Veranstaltung unter dem Titel „Bioökonomie – wie wird sie die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft verändern?“. 

Prof. Daniela Kleinschmit held a keynote presentation on the topic " What Bioeconomy strategies Europe currently follows" during the Klagenfurt "Forst- und Holzimpulse" event. The title of this year's event was "Bioeconomy- how will it change the forest and wood industry?" 



einen Doktoranden/eine Doktorandin " Integration von Wasser- und Forstpolitik"; PhD Position "Integration of Water and Forest Policy"

Teilzeitstelle (50%), Eintrittstermin: 01.11.2016

Ziel der Arbeit wäre, geleitet durch Theorien der Politikintegration Hindernisse und erfolgreiche Ansätze von integrierten Strategien, Politiken und institutionelle Mechanismen am Nexus von Wasser- und Waldpolitik zu erforschen. Denkbar sind dabei empirische Arbeiten auf verschiedenen Ebenen von der lokalen Ebene über die nationale, europäische bis hin zur internationalen Ebene.

Forschungsfragen können unter anderem umfassen:

- Inwieweit findet eine Integration zwischen Wald- und Wasserpolitik statt (horizontal/vertikal/diagonal)?

- Welche Akteure und/oder Institutionen hemmen bzw. fördern Integration zwischen Wald- und Wasserpolitik

Bewerbungen bis spätestens 15.09.2016. Für nähere Informationen steht Ihnen Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit unter Tel. 0761/203-3712 oder Email zur Verfügung

Mehr auf Deutsch 


Part time (50%), Starting 01.11.2016

The main aim of the PhD project would be to investigate barriers and successful approaches of integrated strategies, policies and institutional mechanisms at the nexus of water and forest policies. Theories of policy integration would be guiding the research. Empirical work on different scales from the local to the national, European and international level are possible.

Potential research questions among others include: 

- How far an integration between water and forest policies takes place (horizontal/vertical/diagonal)?

- Which actors and/or institutions hinder or support the integration of water and forest policies?

Applications until latest 15.09.2016. For more information, please contact Prof. Dr, Daniela Kleinschmit under Tel. 0761/203-3712 oder Email

More information in English 




einen Doktoranden/eine Doktorandin 

Teilzeitstelle (65%), Eintrittstermin: 01.10.2016 oder nach Vereinbarung. Die Stelle ist auf 3 Jahre befristet.

Das Projekt „Drought impacts, processes and resilience: making the invisible visible“ (DRIeR) erforscht in einem interdisziplinären Verbund aus Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften die Auswirkungen von Trockenheit auf Ökosysteme, Wirtschaftssektoren und Versorgungsleistungen in Baden-Württemberg sowie politische und rechtliche Steuerungsmöglichkeiten des Risikos Trockenheit. Im Teilprojekt „Water governance: drought policy analysis and stakeholder interaction“ sollen eine Politik- und Akteursanalyse für den Umgang mit Trockenheit in Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt werden. Dabei sollen verschiedene wassernutzende Sektoren als auch über- und untergeordneten Steuerungsebenen Berücksichtigung finden. Zu diesem Zweck sollen Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung zum Einsatz kommen, insbesondere qualitative und quantitative Medien-und Dokumentenanalyse, qualitative Interviews und Fokusgruppen mit Stakeholdern der Wasserpolitik und Wasserwirtschaft. 


Für weitere Informationen: Dr. Sylvia Kruse, Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik,; Tel. +49 / (0)761 203-3721

Stellenausschreibung HIER



Neue Forschungsgruppe „Circulus“ an der Universität Freiburg erhält Bundesförderung über zwei Millionen Euro 

Dr. Sina Leipold, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik, hat die Gruppe zum Thema „Transformationspfade und -hindernisse zu einer nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Bioökonomie – Circulus" eingeworben. Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung fördert das Vorhaben in den kommenden fünf Jahren mit insgesamt zwei Millionen Euro. Unter Leipolds Leitung werden vier junge Forscherinnen und Forscher aus den Sozial-, Wirtschafts-, Ingenieurs- und Technikwissenschaften Grundfragen der Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Ressourcenwirtschaft der Zukunft nachgehen. Das Projekt startet im September 2016.

Mehr Infos HIER 



Freiburg Research on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade Published in Global Environmental Change

Sina Leipold, Metodi Sotirov, Theresa Frei (all Forest and Environmental Policy Group) in collaboration with Georg Winkel (European Forest Institute) recently published two articles on the politics of illegal logging in the prestigious journal "Global Environmental Change". The journal is an outlet for outstanding research results in environmental social science.The two studies analyze the politics of illegal logging related to the US Legal Timber Protection Act, the EU Timber Regulation, and the Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition Act. They uncover unknown policy agendas and discuss implications for design and implementation pathways of these instruments.

The DFG funded projekt was titled: Discursive fragmentation of the international forest regime complex’, PAK 813

Additional funds came from the INTEGRAL project, grant agreement nr. 282887, 7th EU Framework Programme for research and innovation 


Find out more by reading the articles here:

"Divide and Conquer" 

"Protecting “First world” markets and “Third world” nature"




Projektkoordinaor(in) und 3 Doktorand(inn)en Stellen zu besetzen

Am Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg sind im Rahmen des SÖF-Verbundforschungsprojekts „KERNiG – Kommunale Ernährungssysteme als Schlüssel zu einer umfassend-integrativen Nachhaltigkeits-Governance“ folgende Stellen zu besetzen: 1 Projektkoordinator(in) und 3 Doktorand(inn)en.

Weitere Informationen HIER




Waldbesitz zwischen Einheitsforstamt und Wettbewerb

Im Juli 2016 startete die Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik mit einem auf fünf Jahre angelegten durch die Eva Mayr-Stihl Stiftung geförderten Forschungsprojekt, das die Aus-wirkungen zunehmender Deregulierung auf den forstlichen Sektor analysiert und zu einer positiven Gestaltung des forstpolitischen Wandels beitragen möchte.

Die durch das Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrecht angestoßene Neuorganisation der forstlichen Beratung und Betreuung leitete einen bedeutenden Wandel in der Organisationsstruktur und –kultur der Forstpolitik in Baden-Württemberg ein. Dieser Politikwandel hat weitreichende Auswirkungen auf private Waldbesitzer und deren forstwirtschaftliche Zusammenschlüsse, die im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen.

Ziel des auf fünf Jahre angelegten Forschungsprojektes ist es, bestehende Pfadabhängig-keiten zu analysieren und partizipativ sowie theoriegeleitet nach möglichen Wegen zu deren Überwindung zu suchen. Daraus werden robuste und innovative Strategien der Zusam-menarbeit mit staatlichen und privaten Akteuren und den nachgelagerten Wertschöpfungs-ketten entwickelt. Organisationsentwicklung wird dabei als zentraler Faktor für die Zukunfts-fähigkeit des Sektors Forst und Holz gesehen.




Registration for DIABOLO WP1 now open


19–20 September, 2016–DIABOLO workshop “Policy needs for and provision of forest information for policy making and practice in Europe: state of the art and the way forward”, to be held in Vienna at the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW). The event is jointly organised by ALU-FR, SLU and BFW. The workshop will bring together key note speakers, users (policymakers and stakeholders) and providers of forest information at European and national level. Attached is the program of the workshop. For more information and participation, please contact Dr. Metodi Sotirov (ALU-FR)

Registration OPEN 

More information about the event HERE



Sabine Reinecke wins the INOGOV best paper award 2016

Dr Sabine Reinecke ,from the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, wins the prestigious INOGOV best paper award 2016 for her paper published in the journal of "Environmental Science and Policy". INOGOV is an international network on innovations in climate governance that is funded by the European Commission. The network presents an annual award to young scientists who have published outstanding research results in the field of climate policy

In her paper, Sabine analyses four climate services in three European countries ( UK, Germany and Switzerland) regarding how they institutionalize and enact knowledge brokerage in a credible, salient and legitimate way. Results indicate that policy-oriented approaches appear to be in their infancy and  face challenges such as being "less scientific". However, implementing reflexive and flexible learning is possible. 

Find out more by reading Sabine's paper HERE



1st International Forest Policy Meeting

Seven scientists and doctoral students from the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy attended the 1st International Policy Meeting, between 16th and 18th of March 2016. The Policy meeting was held in Hann- Münden and was hosted by the Chair of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy from the University of Göttingen. This meeting was the first one that brought forest policy researchers from Germany together with the Scandinavian forest policy network as well as other international researchers from across Europe. 

 Policy Meeting.JPG





The Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy at the UNFCCC in Paris

A delegation of 10 national and international scientists, doctoral and Master students of the University of Freiburg headed by Dr. Sabine Reinecke from the chair of Forest and Environmental Policy participated in the recent climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC in Paris between 30 November and 11 December 2015. The chair members Mareike Blum and Sabine Reinecke have used this historical occasion for their ongoing research on global forest and climate initiatives, e.g. for getting in contact with experts from different countries and for conducting interviews, respectively. COP 21 (conference of the parties) is said to have attracted close to 50,000 participants from government, intergovernmental organisations, UN agencies, NGOs or civil society, 25,000 of these served as official delegates. The international conference in Paris played a critical role for deriving at a new climate deal to replace the existing Kyoto Protocol, whose second commitment period will expire in 2020. The Kyoto Protocol served as key contribution (though only by industrial countries – so far) to combat human induced climate change. Accordingly, a central concern in Paris was how to include developing countries in new provisions in meaningful ways. Forests – as covered with the REDD+ mechanism for developing countries - play a critical role for reducing emissions resulting from deforestation, forest degradation or land use changes.




New Bachelor and Master-thesis topics available

With a new semester, our chair is offering several topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis, both in German and English language. If you are interested, please contact the respective contact person.



Integrating environmental concerns in Germany's bioeconomy discourse

Preliminary results of the study titled "Integrating environmental concerns in Germany’s bioeconomy discourse" by Alexandru Giurca and Daniela Kleinschmit were presented during the latest CASTLE Conference "Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy" held at Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site in Barcelona, Spain between 21–23 October 2015. A short abstract of the upcoming research article is published in the book of abstracts.



Contribution to the UNCCD in Ankara  

Prof. Daniela Kleinschmit, head of the Chair for Forest and Environmental Policy, has presented results of the Global Assessment Report on  Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition at the 12th Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) held in October 2015 in Ankara.


Her presentation was devoted to "Main drivers affecting forests and tree-based systems for food security and nutrition – Conflicts in and about forests" in a side event jointly organized by IUFRO, FAO and UNCCD.

She highlighted the importance of coherent inter-sectoral policies in this context, “243 million hectares of forests are affected by conflicts […] The challenge is to maintain a balance between ensuring food security and nutrition, and at the same time ensuring the sustainability of forests and tree-based systems”, she declared.

Here you can read more about the event.



Discourse Analysis in Forest policy research

Daniela Kleinschmit contributed with an invited presentation on Discourse Analysis to the international open seminar on ‘Forest policy research from theory to practice’ in the framework of the EFI annual conference held on October 1st in St. Petersburg.



Orchestrating forest policy making 

The Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy supported a conference on “Orchestrating forest policy making: Involvement of scientists and stakeholders in political processes” in Bordeaux, held in the framework of the Cost Action FP 1207 ORCHESTRA from 23-25 September 2015. Local organizer have been IRSTEA and EFI Atlantic. 

Bordeaux schmal



Master Forstwissenschaften aus studentischer Perspektive 

Zum Abschluss des Moduls Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit präsentierten die Studierenden kreative Vorschläge für eine verbesserte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Master Programms Forstwissenschaften an der Uni Freiburg. Neben Broschüren und Ideen für einen verbesserten Internetauftritt wurde von den Studierenden auch ein Video produziert.

Zum Abschluss des Moduls Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit präsentierten die Studierenden kreative Vorschläge für eine verbesserte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Master Programms Forstwissenschaften an der Uni Freiburg. Neben Broschüren und Ideen für einen verbesserten Internetauftritt wurde von den Studierenden auch ein Video produziert.



New research project on droughts approved

The chair of forest and environmental policy is a part of the new research project DRIeR -

„Drought Impacts, Processes and Resilience: Making the Invisible Visible“.


For the next five years an interdisciplinary team of researchers will be investigating the complexity of processes at the intersection of climate and land use, water systems and governance interactions – which have been occurring during droughts in the past.


With a combined expertise from the fields of hydrology, geography, ecology, law and policy and through conducting experiments and simulations, the insights about hidden impacts and neglected risks of the emerging hazard of drought will be made visible and accessible on an online platform.

The project is funded by the water research fund Baden-Württemberg and will start in January 2016.

More information about the future of water (German)


Die Zukunft des Wassers

Die Zukunft des Wassers







The INTEGRAL- Freiburg team announces its

blog entry for the World Forestry Congress



Illustration of an alternative future-scenario for the

case-study area Helgeå in Southern Sweden.

Picture: Charlotta Gard



"Across forests and stakeholders: embracing complexity and bringing the landscape dimension closer to Europe"

This contribution offers a brief overview of the ambitious INTEGRAL project that has managed to engage many people across Europe's forested landscapes.

It highlights the paramount importance of integrating the different, often contrasting, policy initiatives that impact Europe's forests and stakeholders.

Read the blog entry here.






Guest researcher from Slovakia on a “short-term scientific mission”





From the 6th until 17th July 2015 Dr. Zuzana Dobšinská, a researcher from Technical University in Zvolen is at the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy for a short-term scientific mission (STSM).

Zuzana is hosted by Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit as a part of the activities in Working Group 3 of the COST Action FP 1207 “Orchestrating forest-related policy analysis in Europe (ORCHESTRA)”.


During her stay in Freiburg, she will deal with participation of stakeholders and scientists in forest policy decision making processes in European countries. The objective is to summarize received case study country reports elaborated by national experts from the data received by qualitative stakeholder interviews. The expected result is the synthesis of obtained results in the form of a state-of-art report.




Georg Winkel panelist at the Green Week in Brussels


green week



Georg Winkel, Senior Researcher at the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, has contributed as invited panelist to the panel discussion on "Forest for Society" as part of the European Commission's Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European environment policy.

The discussion had three main foci: biodiversity and nature, bioeconomy and bioenergy, and climate change. Georg Winkel underlined the importance of science and research tackling the challenges that Europe face regards the three topics, and highlighted past and recent work at the Chair Group with regard to the debate.

A link to the Green Week and the panel discussion can be found here




Freiburg Researchers contributed to European study on illegal logging policies

Alexandru Giurca and Georg Winkel, both researchers at the Forest and Environmental Policy Group, have co-authored a European study on illegal logging policies. The report is now published within the European Forest Institute’s new series “From Science to Policy” and can be downloaded on EFI’s webpage (

The study reviews state of the art research on the EU Timber Regulation and the FLEGT Action Plan and provides an overview of the effectiveness and impact of these instruments. Finally, it presents the lessons learned so far and discusses policy implications. 


06.05. 2015

Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy and Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit: collaboration on the comprehensive scientific analysis linking forests and food security


The report “Forests, Trees and Landscapes for Food Security and Nutrition - Contributing to the "Zero Hunger Challenge", was launched today in New York at a side event of the United Nations Forum on Forests. This peer‐reviewed publication and research process was coordinated by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) on behalf of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF).

The assessment report in hand provides comprehensive scientific evidence on how forests, trees and landscapes can be – and should be - an integral part of the solution to food-security challenge. The report thereby focuses on the potential to improve nutrition and ensure the livelihoods of the most vulnerable groups of society, as the limitations of agricultural production are becoming increasingly clear and the effects of climate change more pronounced.

You can download the report and join the global conversation on this important topic.

Report fruits&forests

                                                                                                     Report cover photographs: Terry Sunderland, Terry Sunderland, Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez



Kolloquium an der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik im Sommersemester 2015

in Kooperation mit der Professur für Environmental Governance und der Graduiertenschule „Environment, Society and Global Change“


Dienstags um 14:15 Uhr im Seminarrauum IFP (R 4057)




Lena Partzsch

The Political Power of Biofuels


Brendan Dobbie

The impacts of interactions between international timber legality programs and forestry certification schemes in South East Asia (Promotion)


Sophia Carodenuto

Policy Implementation for Improved Forest Governance in Cameroon: REDD+ and FLEGT Interactions (Promotion)


Zizi Moneer

Understanding and moving towards resolution of environmental conflicts: Framing and reframing of environmental conflicts in Wadi el Gemal Protected Area/Egypt (Probedisputation)


Sina Leipold

Discursive Agency in Environmental Policy Change: Analysing the Politics of Illegal Logging in the United States and Europe (Vorstellung der Rahmenschrift zur Dissertation)


Sabine Reinecke

90 % Thesis-defense: „New modes of climate governance“ (Vorstellung der Rahmenschrift zur Dissertation)


Paul Osei Tutu

Institutions of local Forest Management in Ghana (Probedisputation)


Alex Giurca

Environmental and Social Considerations within the Bioeconomy Discussion (Promotion)


Philipp Kilham

Darstellung der Handlungen von Waldeigentümern in der Waldentwicklungs- und Holzaufkommensmodellierung (Promotion)


Bleta Arifi

Presentation of the PhD-thesis concept on public's resistance towards wind and coal-based energy developments (Promotion)





Or Rothstein

Discourse Analysis of the Anthropocene in Rio +20 (Masterarbeit)





Carolin Maier

Naturschutz im öffentlichen Wald - lokale Umsetzung in Deutschland und Oregon, USA (Promotion)







 14.04.2015, Vienna 

Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit gives a key note speach at the IUFRO Bio‐economy Symposium entitled “Sowing Innovation – Reaping Sustainability: Forests’ Crucial Role in a Green Economy”


The symposium aimed at a review of the state of global discussions and knowledge regarding the role of forests in the bio‐economy. The meeting was organised by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), the world’s largest network of forest scientists, in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW).

Daniela Bioeconomy



Daniela Kleinschmit, Professor at the University of Freiburg and Coordinator of IUFRO’s Division on Forest Policy and Economics, emphasized the challenge to “overcome the borders of conflicting policies and to find a solution how to make the most efficient use of land”, considering the fact that the bio‐economy is not limited to one sector. Kleinschmit also pointed out the importance of precaution and participation: “The role of science in steering the process and as a source for expertise is widely acknowledged, but there is a need to not neglect research on ecological risks or social demands.”




Europäische Forstwissenschaftler treffen Waldbesitzer in Yach


Der Privatwald im Elztal steht am 15. September im Fokus der Wissenschaft. 70 Forstwissenschaftler aus ganz Europa informieren sich vor Ort über Waldwirtschaft und die Arbeit der Forstverwaltung. Im Mittelpunkt steht ein Treffen mit Privatwaldbesitzern in Yach.  Um europaweit verschiedene Waldbesitzertypen in ihre Untersuchungen einbeziehen zu können, verfolgen die Forscher einen innovativen Ansatz, den sie ´Travellab´ (etwa: Reiseforschung) nennen.

Das Elztal ist Station einer ganzen Reihe von Konferenzen, die die Wissenschaftler zu verschiedenen Waldorten in ganz Europa führen und ihnen vor Ort die intensive Beschäftigung mit Waldbesitzern ermöglichen. Nach Treffen in Ungarn und Finnland besucht die Gruppe nun auf Einladung der Freiburger Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik den Landkreis Emmendingen.

Die Forscher beschäftigen sich mit Veränderungen in der Besitzstruktur im Privatwald, der Waldbewirtschaftung und Holzvermarktung, dem Dienstleistungsbedarf der Eigentümer sowie den aktuellen politischen Rahmenbedingungen. Es wird erwartet, dass sie Vorschläge für eine Weiterentwicklung der Forstpolitik in Europa formulieren. Die Waldbesitzer im Elztal leisten mit ihrer Diskussionsbereitschaft einen wichtigen Beitrag für das grundlegende Verständnis der Wissenschaftler.  

Die Veranstaltung findet am 15.09.2014 ab 15 Uhr in der Grundschule in Yach, Dorfstraße 55

79215 Elzach-Yach  statt.  Nach einer Begrüßung durch Bürgermeister Tibi folgen Präsentation verschiedener Waldbesitzer mit ihren Problemen und Erwartungen an die Politik. Anschließend stehen der Tagungsleiter, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml von der Universität Freiburg und der Koordinator der Aktion, Dr. Gerhard Weiß, von der Universität Wien für Fragen zur Verfügung.


Die Veranstaltung  findet im Rahmen einer dreitägigen Tagung über Privatwaldbesitz in Europa an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg statt. Das Forstamt Emmendingen und die Stadt Elzach unterstützen die Veranstaltung. Sie wird durch Mittel der Europäischen Union gefördert. 


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schram

Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik
Tennenbacher Str. 4

D - 79106 Freiburg i. Br. 

Telefon: (0761) 203 - 3721
Telefax: (0761) 203 -3705


Carolin Maier

Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik
Tennenbacher Str. 4

D - 79106 Freiburg i. Br.

Telefon: (0761) 203 - 8678
Telefax: (0761) 203 -3705





Pressekonferenz zu zehn Jahren Windkraftmonitoring der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik

Am 28.11.2013 fand um 14 Uhr im Herderbau der Universität Freiburg eine Pressekonferenz statt. Die Ergebnisse wurden von Herrn Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml sowie Frau Dr. Marie-Ève Maillè vorgestellt.

Nährere Informationen zu der Pressekonferenz erhalten Sie hier, zudem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, hier einen kurzen  Radiobeitrag zu diesem Thema zu hören.



Forschungsarbeiten über Luchse in Baden-Württemberg abgeschlossen und mit Preisen ausgezeichnet:


Von 2008 bis 2012 arbeitete die Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg (FVA) zusammen mit der Universität Freiburg im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Ländlicher Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg (MLR) an dem Forschungsprojekt "Luchs in Baden-Württemberg". In diesem interdisziplinären Projekt wurden erstmals eine differenziert ökologische Lebensraumanalyse und eine Analyse der sozialen Tragfähigkeit für Baden-Württemberg erstellt und miteinander kombiniert, um die Eignung des Landes Baden-Württemberg für eine Luchspopulation sowohl auf naturwissenschaftliche, als auch sozialwissenschaftliche Grundlagen zu stützen und Handlungsempfehlungen für die weitere Arbeit der Arbeitsgruppe Luchs ( zu geben.

Im Rahmen des Projektes entstanden zwei Doktorarbeiten an der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik der Universität Freiburg, die nun mit zwei Preisen ausgezeichnet wurden. Mehr Informationen zu den Preisträgern und den Projekten erhalten Sie hier



Hohe Auszeichnung für Dr. Angela Lüchtrath 


Preisverleihung Lüchtrath

Die Arbeiten der Freibuger Forstwissenschaftlerin Dr. Angela Lüchtrath  zur Bewertung des Luchses durch verschiedene Akteursgruppen finden eine weitere Würdigung.

Die Gregor Louisoder Umweltstiftung zeichnet die langjährige Mitarbeiterin an der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik für ihre angewandten Forschungsarbeiten aus.  Die offizielle Pressemitteilung der Stiftung lesen Sie hier



"Pilotprojekte brauchen einen Piloten."


Die Ergebnisse der Evaluation der Pilotprojekte zur direkten Förderung der Holzvermarktung und der Waldbewirtschaftung in Nordrhein-Westfalen wurden durch Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml und Dr. Andy Selter am Ministerium für Klima, Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz vorgestellt. Die im Mai 2013 abgeschlossene Untersuchung der Freiburger Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik gibt Antworten auf die Fragen, ob und wie durch die direkte Förderung der Forstwirtschaftlichen Zusammenschlüsse eigenständige Waldbewirtschaftungs- und Vermarktungsstrukturen auf- und ausgebaut werden können und unter welchen Rahmenbedingungen eine direkte Förderung des Waldbesitzes möglich wäre.

Den vollständige Bericht können Sie hier herunterladen.



Erholungswaldstudie veröffentlicht

Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz  zu der die Schwarzwald Toursistik zusammen mit ForstBW, den Naturparken und dem Schwarzwaldverein eingeladen hatte, wurden am 17. Juni die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung über Konflikte in Erholungsgebieten vorgestellt, die das IFP drei Jahre lang begleitet hatte.

Unter der Überschrift "Wandern mit/ und / oder Mountainbikern" stellte Prof. Ulrich Schraml die wichtigsten Ergebnisse und die Folgerungen für das Management von Erholungsgebieten vor. Sie waren Grundlage des neuen Strategiepapiers das zukünftig die Regelung der Nutzung der Wege im Schwarzwald durch Mountainbiker bestimmen soll.

Einen Presseartikel der Badischen Zeitung erhalten sie hier weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf der Homepage der Schwarzwald Tourismus GmbH



COST Action zum Kleinprivatwald erfolgreich gestartet

Die europäische Initiative Facesmap (Forest Land Ownership Change in Europe: Significance for Management and Policy) hat mit einem ersten Treffen in Sopron (Ungarn) Fahrt aufgenommen. Ziel ist es, europäische Wissenschaftler zu vernetzen, die an Fragen des Kleinprivatwaldes interessiert sind.

In drei Arbeitsgruppen werden Fragen des Eigentümerwandels, der Waldbehandlung und der Forstpolitik bearbeitet.  Die Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik unterstützt das Vorhaben vor dem Hintergrund der umfangreichen Forschungserfahrung in diesem Feld. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml leitet die Arbeitsgruppe Forstpolitik und gehört der vierköpfigen Steuerungsgruppe an.

Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie hier



Workshop zur Zukunft der Hegegemeinschaften in Baden-Württemberg

Die Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik der Universität Freiburg und WILCON - Wildlife Consulting bearbeiten zusammen das Projekt „Zukunftsfähige Organisationsstrukturen für ein revierübergreifendes Wildtiermanagement“.

Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, Grundlagen für eine Weiterentwicklung bestehender Regelungen in Baden-Württemberg zu schaffen und Handlungsempfehlungen für eine etwaige Neugestaltung von Organisationsstrukturen für das revierübergreifende Wildtiermanagement zu liefern. Mit dieser Zielsetzung steht das Vorhaben in direktem Kontext zur Novellierung des Landesjagdgesetzes in Baden-Württemberg.

Vor diesem Hintergrund waren die im Rahmen der Novellierung des Landesjagdgesetzes beteiligten Akteure zu einem „Workshop“ an die Universität Freiburg eingeladen.  Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml und Dr. Angela Lüchtrath konnten 30 Interessenvertreter in Freiburg begrüßen.

Anliegen war es, gemeinsam das Thema „Hegegemeinschaften als zukunftsfähige Organisationsstrukturen für ein revierübergreifendes Wildtiermanagement“ ergebnisorientiert zu bearbeiten.

 Angie Moderation

Als Ergebnis wurden die wichtigsten Kriterien für eine erfolgreiche Etablierung von Hegegemeinschaften herausgearbeitet und die Positionierung der beteiligten Organisationen zu diesem Thema dokumentiert.

Unterstützt wurde die Veranstaltung von drei fachlich versierten Referenten, die  aus ihrem Blickwinkel und auf Grund ihrer praktischen Erfahrungen verschiedene Ansätze für ein revierübergreifendes Wildtiermanagement mit allen Vor- und Nachteile darlegen konnten.



"Freiburg Talks on International & European Forest Policy"

continued this summer semester (SoSe 2013)


We invite you to join us for the second season of our seminar series on international and European forest policy.  This seminar series provides a platform for leading scholars and renowned experts from organizations to share their thoughts on important topics and development related to international and European forest policy.  The challenge of how to design global and European institutions for sustainable forest management will be a central theme throughout this series. Additionally, case study research and innovative political perspectives on crucial issues related to forest policy will be presented to the audience.

Talks will take place once a month during the summer semester SoSe 2013 from 1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.* in Herderbau room 100/200.  For a detailed schedule go to our website or follow us on facebook.  Each talk will be 30 minutes of presentations followed by 45 minutes of discussionook . Interested scholars and students are invited to make individual appointments with a speaker following the public session.  To schedule a meeting, please contact Carolin Maier (

*Exact time of some presentations may differ to accomodate scheduling conflicts.


Georg Winkel,

Metodi Sotirov,

Carolin Maier



Neues Thema für Abschlußarbeit zu vergeben

an der Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik ist ein neues Thema für eine Masterarbeit zu vergeben.

Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie hier


Broschüre: Waldnaturschutz und Klimawandel - Hinweise für Politik und Management erschienen


Im Rahmen des FuE-Vorhaben: "Wälder und Klimawandel" im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz wurde eine Broschüre zu wesentlichen Projektergebnissen erstellt, die HIER online zur Verfügung steht. Die Broschüre stellt wesentliche Ergebnisse zu den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Naturschutz im Wald und die Waldpolitik in anschaulicher Weise dar. Ebenfalls erschienen ist die Publikation "Wälder und Klimawandel: Künftige Strategien für Schutz und nachhaltige Nutzung"  in der Schriftenreihe Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt; diese kann über den Buchhandel bezogen werden.

Für weitere Information wenden Sie sich bitte an Georg Winkel (



Interdisciplinary Workshop on Forst Conservation - Freiburg, June 19th - 21st, 2013


Perspectives on Forst Conservation - tackeling the frontier between policy and conservation science

The workshop will be conducted jointly by researchers from Wageningen University (NL), Stirling University (UK), the Austrian University of Life Sciences, (Boku Vienna), Technical Universities of Dresden and Munich, Germany, AgroParis Tech-ENGREF (France), and the University of Freiburg

DEADLINE for abstract submission: February, 10th, 2013.

For further specifications please see click here.






New Winter Semester Seminar Series (WS 2012/13):

"Freiburg Talks on International & European Forest Policy"


This seminar series provides a platform for leading scholars and renowned experts from organizations to share their thoughts on important topics and development related to international and European forest policy.  The challenge of how to design global and European institutions for sustainable forest management will be a central theme throughout this series. Additionally, case study research and innovative political perspectives on crucial issues related to forest policy will be presented to the audience.

Talks will take place once a month during the winter semester 2012/13 from 1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.* in Herderbau room 100.  For a detailed schedule of all presentations click here (pdf).  Each talk will be 30 minutes of presentations followed by 45 minutes of discussion. Interested scholars and students are invited to make individual appointments with a speaker following the public session.  To schedule a meeting, please contact Carolin Maier (

*Exact time of some presentations may differ to accomodate scheduling conflicts.


Georg Winkel,

Metodi Sotirov,

Carolin Maier



Dr. Metodi Sotirov ist Gastwissenschaftler an der Yale University, USA


Dr. Metodi Sotirov ist vom 16. Juli bis zum 15. Oktober 2012 als Gastwissenschaftler am School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management, Yale University, tätig.

Er wird sich dort mit Fragen von Politikwandel und Politikintegration in der europäischen Naturschutz- und Forstpolitik beschäftigen. Während seines Gastaufenthaltes arbeitet Metodi Sotirov im Rahmen des von Prof. Ben Cashore an der Yale Universität geleiteten waldpolitischen Forschungsprogrammes und der Initiative über Governance, Umwelt, und Märkte.


Studierende stellen Ergebnisse der Projektstudie Walderholung im Gemeinderat vor


Der Wald stand bei der Projektstudie, die das Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik der Universität Freiburg für die Gemeinde Freiamt erstellt hat, im Zentrum.

Sieben Studenten haben zusammen mit dem wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter Dr. Andy Selter und Professor Ulrich Schraml die Ergebnisse des Projekts, das sich über sechs Wochen hinzog, dem Gemeinderat Freiamt vorgestellt.

Mehr Informationen darüber finden Sie hier 

Der Wald stand bei der Projektstudie, die das Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik der Universität Freiburg für die Gemeinde Freiamt erstellt hat, im Zentrum. Sieben Studenten haben zusammen mit dem wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter Dr. Andy Selter und Professor Ulrich Schraml die Ergebnisse des Projekts, das sich über sechs Wochen hinzog, dem Gemeinderat Freiamt vorgestellt. Mehr Informationen darüber finden Sie




Der CULTURA-Preis wird erstmalig in Freiburg verliehen

Europäischer Forschungspreis für zukünftige Landnutzung

Die Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. zu Hamburg verleiht am 4. Juni 2012 den CULTURA-Preis erstmals in Kooperation mit der Albert Ludwigs Universität in Freiburg. Der mit 25 000 Euro dotierte Preis geht in diesem Jahr an den deutschen Wissenschaftler Dr. Peter Meyer von der Nordwestdeutschen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt in Göttingen. Er erhält den Preis für seine herausragenden Forschungsleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Naturwaldforschung und des Waldnaturschutzes. Die Preisverleihung ist öffentlich. Sie findet am

Montag, den 4. Juni 2012 um 15 Uhr
im Kaisersaal des Historischen Kaufhauses in Freiburg

In einer Vielzahl von Untersuchungen ist es Meyer gelungen, praxistaugliche Empfehlungen für eine Integration anspruchsvoller Naturschutzziele in die Waldbewirtschaftung zu geben. Das unabhängige Preiskuratorium hob in seiner Empfehlung insbesondere Meyers innovative methodische Ansätze hervor.

Die Preisverleihung wurde zusätzlich als Beitrag Freiburgs zum Deutschen Aktionstag für Nachhaltigkeit anerkannt, der gleichzeitig stattfindet und an zahlreichen Orten in Deutschland mit Aktionen zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit begangen wird.

Neben dem Preisträgervortrag zu Ergebnissen der Naturwaldforschung und der Laudatio auf den Preisträger sprechen Rektor Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer für die Universität Freiburg, Bürgermeister Prof. Dr. Martin Haag für die Stadt Freiburg und der Kuratoriumsvorsitzende Prof. Dr. Karl-Reinhard Volz. Ein passendes Rahmenprogramm und ein anschließender Empfang runden das Programm der Preisverleihung ab.



Erstes projektübergreifendes Treffen von INTEGRAL in Freiburg

Das Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik ist Gastgeber des ersten projektübergreifenden Treffens von INTEGRAL:

Vom 16. bis 18. April werden 60 Vertreter aus 14 europäischen Ländern an der Fakultät zu Gast sein und über Forschungsdesign und Methoden des im Rahmen des 7. EU Rahmenprogramms finanzierten Projekts "Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes" diskutieren und entscheiden. 

Das Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik ist wissenschaftlicher Koordinator des INTEGRAL-Projekts, die Leitung und Gesamtkoordination obliegt der SLU in Schweden. Mehr Informationen zum Projekt finden Sie auf der offiziellen Homepage

Die Pressemitteilung zum Projekttreffen in Freiburg finden Sie hier



Neues DFG-Projekt bewilligt


Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft hat das Forschungsvorhaben "Discursive fragmentation of the international forest regime complex: Towards a better understanding of multi-level forest policy discourses" bewilligt. In dem Vorhaben werden künftig zwei Doktoranden Diskurse der Waldpolitik auf der Ebene globaler Regime und in ausgewählten Länderfallstudien analysieren.

Für nähere Informationen zum Vorhaben wenden Sie sich bitte an Dr. Georg Winkel.



Informationsveranstaltung "Auerhuhn und Windkraft" am 28.02.2012


Am 28.02.2012 findet ab 19 Uhr im Hörsaal 1199 des Kollegiengebäudes I der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Platz der Universität; 79085 Freiburg) eine Informationsveranstaltung zum Thema "Auerhuhn und Windkraft" statt.



Georg Winkel als Sachverständiger im Deutschen Bundestag


Georg Winkel war am 8. Februar als Einzelsachverständiger bei der öffentlichen Anhörung zur Waldstrategie der Bundesregierung im Rahmen der 61. Sitzung des Ausschusses für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz im Deutschen Bundestag eingeladen.

Seine Stellungnahme finden Sie hier . Eine Fernsehaufzeichnung der gesamten Sitzung finden Sie hier  und weitere Stellungnahmen anderer Sachverständiger hier.






Neues EU - Verbundprojekt  "INTEGRAL" vorgestellt


Das Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik der Universität Freiburg (IFP) um  Prof. Dr. Karl-Reinhard Volz und Dr. Metodi Sotirov ist wissenschaftlicher  Koordinator eines neuen Forschungsverbunds zur Landnutzungspolitik  europäischer Waldökosysteme.


Der Verbund mit dem Namen INTEGRAL  (Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes)  wird aus dem siebten Forschungsrahmenprogramm der Europäischen  Union mit sieben Millionen Euro gefördert.

Das Finanzvolumen des  Freiburger Teilprojekts beträgt 855.000 Euro. Das Projekt ist am 1.  November 2011 gestartet und läuft über vier Jahre. Die administrative  Koordination liegt bei der Schwedischen Landwirtschaftsuniversität (SLU).

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier  



24.01. -26.01. 2011

Expertenworkshop zu Waldnaturschutz und Klimawandel


Das Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik hat gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Landespflege einen dreitägigen Expertenworkshop zum Thema “Waldnaturschutz und Klimawandel“ durchgeführt. Während des Workshops wurden zum einen Leitbilder und Managementstrategien des Naturschutzes unter Szenarien des Klimawandels und zum anderen Implikationen des Klimawandels auf die forstpolitische Steuerung mit renommierten Experten diskutiert. Das Programm des Workshops  und ein Hintergrundpapier zum Workshop finden Sie hier.

Die Ergebnisse des Workshops fließen in das FuE-Vorhabens „Wälder und Klimawandel“ ein, welches vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz unterstützt wird.  Für weitere Information kontaktieren Sie bitte Georg Winkel oder Sabine Storch.




Arbeitsgruppe zur Fortbildung von Führungskräften forstwirtschaftlicher Zusammenschlüsse – 2. bis 4. November 2010


„Fit für 2011“ lautete das Motto des 8. Bundeskongresses für Führungskräfte forstwirtschaftlicher Zusammenschlüsse. Mehr als hundert Vorstandsmitglieder und Geschäftsführer sind der Einladung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Waldbesitzerverbände und des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz nach Wernigerode gefolgt, aktiv Forstpolitik zu gestalten.

Zusammen mit der Firma UNIQUE moderierte das Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik einen Arbeitskreis, der konkrete Vorschläge für Fortbildungsangebote für Führungskräfte forstwirtschaftlicher Zusammenschlüsse lieferte. Diese sollen in die zukünftige Förderlandschaft eingehen und bilden Schwerpunkte im Bereich der Organisationsentwicklung.


Publication of policy paper  "Greening REDD+: Challenges and opportunities for forest biodiversity conservation"


The policy paper is a  result of the project "The protection of forests under global biodiversity and climate policy. " It is based on analysis of the ongoing REDD+ negotiations as well as on the discussions and results of an international expert workshop held at the University of Freiburg (Germany) in April this year.

The policy paper is intended to promote and support the integration of biodiversity safeguards and benefits under REDD+ at different governance levels with a particular focus on the expertise provided by the CBD. The printed version will be available at the upcoming CBD workshop on Biodiversity and REDD+ in Nairobi this month and at CBD COP10 in Nagoya. 

Policy paper (PDF File)



IFP koordiniert neuen europäischen Forschungsverbund


Das Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik (IFP) der Universität Freiburg freut sich über den Start und die Koordination eines neuen 3-jährigen europäischen Forschungsverbunds, der sich mit der Umsetzung der Europäischen Naturschutz- und Biodiversitätspolitik beschäftigt (NATURA 2000).

Der „BeFoFu“ („European Beech Forests for the Future“) genannte Verbund wird unter dem paneuropäischen Biodiversa-Netzwerk finanziert. Die Finanzierung der Forschung am IFP erfolgt dabei durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. BeFoFu befasst sich mit politischen, ökonomischen und ökologischen Aspekten des Schutzes der europäischen Buchenwälder.

Dr. Georg Winkel vom IFP ist Verbundleiter und Koordinator des Teilprojektes „Governance“. Weitere IFP-Forscher sind Dr. Metodi Sotirov (post-doc), Lars Borrass (Doktorand) und Tarik Wegener (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft).

Weitere Informationen zum Forschungsverbund finden sich unter: (Pressemitteilung der Universität)

(Überblick über die unter dem Biodiversa-Netzwerk geförderten Projekte)






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