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Dr. Metodi Sotirov 

Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik
Tennenbacher Str. 4

D - 79106 Freiburg i. Br.

Telefon: (0761) 203 - 3723

Room 04066 (Herder Building, 4th floor) 


Dr. Metodi Sotirov is Senior Researcher and Assistant/Associate Professor at the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, University of Freiburg, Germany. Between 2012 and 2020, he served as a Faculty Associate with the Governance, Environment and Markets Initiative, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University USA. He is Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO 9.05.03 Working Party Cross-sectoral policy impacts on forests and environment Division 9 Forest Policy and Economics. Dr. Sotirov has an excellent experience in scientific research, policy consultancy, and project management. Over the last 15 years, he has served as scientific expert and consultant on international legal and sustainable forest supply chain regulation issues in support to UNEP/IUFRO as well as on European forest sustainability reporting for FOREST EUROPE/FAO/UNECE. Dr. Sotirov has delivered a high quality expert inputs and policy advice to the European Commission (DG Environment, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, DG Clima), the EU Standing Forestry Committee, the European Parliament in the context of the EU Green Paper on Forest Protection and Forest Information as well as the EU  Forest Strategy. He has also supported the EU FLEGT/EUTR Expert Group and the EU ad-hoc Group on Natura 2000 and Forests.


Academic and professional positions held

  • Since 04/2016: Senior Researcher and Assistant Professor, Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Freiburg, Germany 
  • 02/2015-03/2016: Senior Consultant and Team Leader Forest Policy and Governance, UNIQUE forestry and land use Consultancy, Germany
  • 04/2015-07/2015: Guest Lecturer EU biodiversity policy/Natura 2000, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • Since 03/2013: Faculty Associate Governance, Environment and Markets, Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, New Haven, USA 
  • 07/2012-10/2012: Laboratory Associate/Visiting Fellow Forest Biodiversity Governance, Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, New Haven, USA
  • 03/2009-01/2015: Senior Researcher, Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • 10/2005-02/2009: PhD Researcher, Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • 01/2002-09/2005: Senior Expert International Cooperation and Protected Areas, National Forestry Board, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Sofia, Bulgaria


Main interests and expertise in scientific research, teaching and policy consultancy:

  • Analysis of policy change, policy implementation, policy learning and policy integration
  • Coalitional politics, stakeholder analysis, social network analysis, behavioral studies
  • Political economy, institutional analysis and discourse studies
  • Global governance, multi-level governance and environmental governance 
  • Europeanization, internationalization and globalization studies  
  • Trans- and inter-disciplinary sustainability analysis 
  • Qualitative (interviews, content analysis of documents, focus groups, foresight) and quantitative (surveys, social network analysis, factor analysis, modelling) methods of empirical social science research 
  • Foresight research: STEEP/PESTE analysis, scenario building, policy back-casting, agent-based modelling of forestry, land use and biodiversity conservation 
  • Policy-science-practice interface, stakeholder engagement. 


Main substantive topics in scientific research, teaching and policy consultancy:

International scale

  • Governance for sustainable development (Brundtland Report - UNCED in Rio / Rio+ Process - Millennium Development Goals, Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals)
  • International multilateral environmental (CBD, UNFCCC, SDGs) and trade (ITTA) agreements
  • International forest policy (UNFF, UNFI/NLBI, UN-SPF, CPF, C&I for SFM)
  • Transnational regulatory governance (EUTR/EU FLEGT VPAs, US Lacey Act; Australian ITPA)
  • Transnational public-private partnerships (REDD+ initiatives, The Bonn Challenge)
  • Non-state market driven governance: forest sustainability certification (FSC, PEPFC), palm oil sustainability certification (RSPB), and bioenergy/biomass sustainability certification (RSB)
  • Private governance and market self-regulation: deforestation free supply chains initiatives 

European scale    

  • Pan-European forest policy (Forest Europe; Legally-Binding Agreement on Forests)
  • EU Forest Policy (EU Forest Strategy and Forest MAP) 
  • EU Biodiversity Policy (EU Habitats/Birds Directives, Natura 2000; EU Biodiversity Strategy) 
  • EU Water Policy (EU Water Framework Directive)
  • EU Rural Development Policy/Common Agriculture Policy (EAFRD Regulation)
  • EU Bioenergy Policy (EU Renewable Energy Directive) and EU Bioeconomy Strategy
  • EU Climate and Bioenergy Policy (EU LULUCF Regulation; EU Climate and Energy Package) 
  • EU Environmental Sustainability and Timber Trade Policy (EUTR/EU FLEGT VPAs)

National and local scale

  • Policies governing sustainable forest management and integrated forest management
  • Policies governing biodiversity conservation, rural development, and water management 
  • Sustainable land use, natural resource management and integrated landscape approaches  
  • Trade-offs and synergies between forest ecosystem goods and services 
  • Forest sector institutional reforms, capacity building, change management 
  • Forest and forest-related law studies, forest ownership research  


Scientific research, policy support and policy consultancy projects: 


2024-2027: EU collaborative project TRANSFORMIT “Transforming forest management for multiple ecosystem services and nature conservation via the integrative approach”. EU Commission Horizon Europe (DG Research and Innovation). Own role: WP3 Task 3.3. co-leader “Supportive Policy Framework”.

2023-2024: EU collaborative evidence-based scientific assessment study “Europe’s wood supply in disruptive times”. Own role: Chair of the Study Expert Group, Coordinating Lead Author and Lead Author for Chapters “Policy factors”, “Socioeconomic factors”, “Synthesis of factors and future scenarios”, “Consequences of future scenarios on stakeholders”). IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations), Vienna, Austria.

2023-2024: Final evaluation of the FOREST EUROPE Pan-European Forest Risk Facility (FoRISK) Pilot. Own role: Lead Study Author and Senior Policy Evaluator. Forest Europe Liaison Unit Bonn (LUBO) and European Forest Institute (EFI).

2023-2024: BMBF Research Initiative for the Conservation of Biodiversity (FeDA – Forschungsinitiative zum Erhalt der Artenvielfalt). Biodiversity Assessment Germany (Faktencheck Artenvielfalt). Own role: Lead Author for Chapters on “Forest” and “Indirect Drivers” (Policy, Laws, Socio-economics).  Funder: BMBF – German Federal Ministry of Research and Education.

2023-2025: EU collaborative project EMMA4EU “Innovation alliance for training programmes for deforestation-free supply chains in Europe”. EU Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme. Leader of WP2 “Research and Assessment”, Member of the Project Steering Committee.

2022-2025: EU collaborative research project CLEVER “Creating Leverage to Enhance Biodiversity Outcomes of Global Biomass Trade”. EU Commission (DG Research and Innovation). Horizon Europe (HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-15 Call).

2022-2025: EU collaborative research project BIOCONSENT “Decision-making Support for Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Policy and Management in Europe: Trade-offs and Synergies at the Forest-Biodiversity-Climate-Water Nexus”. Biodiversa and Water JPI Joint Era-Net BiodivRestore Call/German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). 


2022-2025: EU collaborative research project LEARNFORCLIMATE “Learning to realize multiple forest policy objectives under climate related stress and disturbance”. ForestValue Era-Net Joint Call/ German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)/Federal Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR).


2021-2025: EU innovation action collaborative project SUPERB “Systemic solutions for upscaling of urgent ecosystem restoration for forest-related biodiversity and ecosystem services”. European Commission (DG Research and Innovation). EU Horizon 2020 Green Deal Calls (LC-GD-7-1-2020 - Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services).  


2021-2022: Global FLEGT study on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade implementation in Indonesia and Europe and the implications of current and planned policy changes on timber legality and deforestation in Europe, USA and China. UK FGMC (Forest Governance, Markets, Climate) Programme, and Indonesian Embassy to Berlin, Germany.


2021-2022:EU policy support study “Regulating Clearcutting in European Forests: Policy Options and Socioeconomic Analysis”. European Parliament (the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament).  


2019-2020: Science-policy study “oForest: How to balance production and conservation in European forests”. Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Switzerland.


2019-2020: Science-policy study “Europe’s forest policy after 2020: pathways for the future”. EFI Multi-Donor Trust Fund for policy support.


2018-2019: European science initiative “Białowieża Forest Controversy”. EFI’s INFORMAR project/German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL).


2018-2019: Scientific study on “Forests as a Global Commons: International Governance and the Role of Germany”. Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS)/„Wissenschaftsplattform Nachhaltigkeit 2030-Arbeitsgruppe Global Commons“. 


2017-2018: International policy study “FuGo - New frontiers in global forest governance: from lessons learnt to future options”. German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)/EFI.


2017-2020: Medium scale collaborative research project POLYFORES - “Decision Making Support for Forest Ecosystem Services in Europe - Value Assessment, Synergy Effects and Trade-offs”; ERA-Net SUMFOREST, German Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BMEL).


2017-2018: Policy support study “Evaluating the progress in implementing the EU Forest Strategy”. European Commission (DG Agriculture and Rural Development). 


2017-2018: Policy support study “Evaluation study of the forestry measures under the EU’s Rural Development Policy”. European Commission (DG Agriculture and Rural Development)/Alliance Environment/EFI. 


2016-2017: Policy support scientific study “Towards a sustainable European forest based bioeconomy - assessment and the way forward”. EFI’s Multi-Donor Trust Fund for policy support. 


2016-2017: Policy support scientific study “Natura 2000 and Forests: Assessing the State of Implementation and Effectiveness”. European Forest Institute - Multi-Donor Trust Fund for policy support. 


2016-2019: Medium scale collaborative research project “SPONFOREST - Unraveling the potential of spontaneous forest establishment for improving ecosystem functions and services in dynamic landscapes”. ERA-Net BIODIVERSA 3.


2015-2019: Large scale collaborative research project “DIABOLO - Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy outlooks”; EU Commission, DG Research and Innovation, EU HORIZON 2020.


2016: Global scientific rapid response assessment study “Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade - Dimensions, Drivers, Impacts and Responses”. United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)/International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). 


2016: Policy support project. Evaluation of the FAO project on “Strengthening global criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management in policy and practice”. German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)/UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH. 


2015-2017: Medium scale collaborative research project “W3B - What we wood believe”. Wood-Wisdom Era-NET/FNR/German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)/UNIQUE land use and forestry GmbH. 


2015-2016: Policy support project on “Final evaluation of EFI/EFICENT INTEGRATE und INTEGRATE+ projects as regards integration of nature conservation in managed forests in Europe”, incl. case studies in Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland. German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)/UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH. 


2015-2016: Policy support studies “Policy, legal and organizational framework of sustainable forest management planning” and “Institutional and socio-economic analysis for private forest owners’ associations”. German-Serbian Cooperation Program “Implementation of an innovative forest management planning considering economic, ecological and social aspects in Serbia”. German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)/GFA Consultancy Group/UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH. 


2015: Policy consultancy project on “Policy and institutional analysis of forest sector reforms in Central and Eastern Europe” (incl. international workshop on “Forest sector institutional reforms” in Kiev, Ukraine; professional know-how exchange study of Ukrainian forestry experts to Bulgaria).FAO-Eastern Europe Office/Government of Ukraine/Government of Bulgaria/UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH. 


2014-2016: Consultancy project and feasibility study on “Policy, socio-economic and ecological drivers of foreign investments in sustainable forest management and timber supply chains in South-East Europe”. German Private Forest Industry Company/UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH. 


2014: Policy support and consultancy study on “Policy and institutional analysis of forest sector reforms in Central and Eastern Europe” (incl. international conference “Forest sector institutional reform” in Bazaleti/Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia)  German International Development Agency (GIZ)/ Government of Republic of Georgia/UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH. 


2014-2015: Collaborative research project between Germany and Spain on “Understanding the governance of natural commodity markets”; German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD.


2011-2015: Large scale collaborative research project “INTEGRAL - Future-oriented and integrated management of European forest landscapes”; EU Commission, DG Research and Innovation, 7th Framework Programme for Research - FP-7.


2013-2015: COST Action FP1207 “ORCHESTRA - Orchestrating forest-related policy analysis in Europe”. COST Office. 


2010-2013: Medium scale collaborative research project “BeFoFu - European Beech Forests for the Future - Ecological, Economic, and Policy Analysis of Beech Forest Conservation under the Natura 2000 Network”; ERA-Net BIODIVERSA 1, EU FP-7; German Federal Ministry for Research and Education. 


2010: Study on „Socioeconomic and policy analysis of wood-based bioenergy use in Rhineland Palatinate, Germany“ („Studie zur sozioökonomischen und politischen Bedeutung der Holzenergienutzung in Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland“).


2008-2009: Policy support study on “EU policy options for the protection of European forests against harmful impacts”. European Commission (DG Environment). 


2005-2009: PhD research project “Changing forest policy: a policy analysis into political and socio-economic transformation”. German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD. 


Publications (peer reviewed articles, book chapters, reports, policy briefs):


Ziegert, R., Sotirov, M. (2024): Regulatory politics and hybrid governance: the case of Brazil’s Amazon Soy Moratorium. Global Environmental Change 88 (2024): 102916

Cramm, M., Frei, T., Greenbury, A. Winkel, G., Tegegne, Y., Sotirov, M. (2024): Corporate zero deforestation commitments and company-internal organizational change. Heliyon 10 (9), 15 May 2024, e30732.

Gustavo M. Oliveira,  Ziegert, R. F., Pacheco, A. Berning, L., Sotirov, M., Dürr, J., Braun, D., Nunes, F., Soares-Filho, B., Börner, J. (2024): Blind spots in the EU’s Regulation on Deforestation-free products. Nature Ecology and Evolution (2024). Published 03 July 2024;

Köthke, M. & Sotirov, M. (2024). How and Why Do Economic Operators Comply With EU Law? Analysis of Firm-Level Responses to the EU Timber Regulation in Germany. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies.

Carodenuto, S., Ziga-Abortta, F. R., & Sotirov, M. (2024). External Europeanization through timber trade agreements: Tracing causality in environmental governance reform. Political Geography 109, 103065.

Berning, L., Sotirov, M. (2024). The coalitional politics of the European Union Regulation on deforestation-free products. Forest Policy and Economics 158, 103102.



Berning, L., Ferraz Ziegert, R., Cramm, M., & Sotirov, M. (2023). Map of public and private policies and governance mechanisms. Final report. Zenodo

Berning, L., Ferraz Ziegert, R., Cramm, M., & Sotirov, M. (2023). Map of public and private policies and governance mechanisms. [Data set]. Zenodo

Bernig, L., Sotirov M. (2023). Hardening corporate accountability in commodity supply chains under the European Union Deforestation Regulation. Regulation & Governance

Lindahl, K.B., Söderberg, C., Lukina, N., Tebenkova, D., Pecurul, M., Pülzl, H., Sotirov, M., Widmark, C. (2023): Clash or concert in European forests? Integration and coherence of forest ecosystem service-related national policies. Land Use Policy 129 (2023), 106617,

Beckmann-Wübbelt, A., Türk, L., Almeida, I., Fricke, A., Sotirov, M., Saha, S. (2023): Climate change adaptation measures conflicted with the recreational demands on city forests during COVID-19 pandemic. Nature npj Urban Sustainability (2023) 3:17;

Polo Villanueva, F.D., Tegegnem, Y.T.,  Winkel, G., Cerutti, P.O., Ramcilovic-Suominen, S., McDermott, C.L., Zeitlin, J., Sotirov, M.; Cashore, B., Wardell, D.A., Haywood, A., Giessen, L. (2023): Effects of EU illegal logging policy on timber-supplying countries: A systematic review. Journal of Environmental Management 327 (2023): 116874. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.116874



Sotirov, M., Meier-Landsberg, E. M., Wippel, B., Deparnay-Grunenberg, A., Sirotti, I., Ott, S. (2022): Regulating Clearcutting in European Forests: Policy Options and Socioeconomic Analysis. Final Study Report. European Parliament (Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg/Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament), Brussels, Strasbourg. 1st edition, March 2022.

Sotirov, M., Berning, L., Eckelmann, J. Maryudi, A., Pratama, A., & Laraswati, D. (2022). Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) implementation in Europe and Indonesia, and the implications of timber legality and deforestation policy changes in the EU, UK, USA and China. A Policy Brief. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7322940,

Berning, L., Sotirov, M.  Eckelmann, J., Maryudi, A., Pratama, A., & Laraswati, D. (2022). Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) implementation in Europe and Indonesia, and the implications of timber legality and deforestation policy changes in the EU, UK, USA and China. Final Study Report. Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.7333997;

Azevedo-Ramos, C., Sotirov M., Rattis, L. (2022). Editorial: Amazon rainforest future under the spotlight: Synergies and trade-offs between conservation and economic development. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5 (2022): 871894. DOI=10.3389/ffgc.2022.871894  

Sotirov, M., Azevedo-Ramos, C. Rattis, L., Berning, L. 2022: Policy options to regulate timber and agricultural supply-chains for legality and sustainability: The case of the EU and Brazil. Forest Policy and Economics 144 (2022): 102818.



Dobrynin, D.,  Yakusheva Jarlebring, N., Mustalahti, I., Sotirov, M., Kulikova, E., Lopatin, E. 2021. The forest environmental frontier in Russia: Between sustainable forest management discourses and ‘wood mining’ practice. AMBIO A Journal of the Human Environment L (12) December 2021: 2138–2152


Winkel, G., Sotirov, M., Moseley, C. 2021: Forest environmental frontiers around the globe: Old patterns and new trends in forest governance. AMBIO A Journal of Environment and Society L (12) December 2021: 2129–2137


Sotirov, M. , Winkel, G., Eckerberg, K. 2021. The coalitional politics of the European Union’s environmental forest policy: Biodiversity conservation, timber legality, and climate protection. AMBIO A Journal of the Human Environment L (12) December 2021: 2153-2167.


Dieguez, L., Sotirov, M. (2021): FSC sustainability certification as green-lane for legality verification under the EUTR? Changes and policy learning at the interplay of private governance and public policy. Forest Policy and Economics 131 (2021): 102568.


Baulena, E., Kruse, S., Sotirov, M. (2021): Forest and water policy integration: A process and output-oriented policy network analysis. Environmental Policy and Governance 2021: 1-19. DOI: 10.1002/eet.1951


Gavrilut, I., Feiler, L., Sotirov, M. (2021): Synthetic Assessment of the Governance of Forests and Protected Areas, Related EU Policies, and Their Domestic Implementation. In: Todor A., Helepciuc F.E. (eds) Europeanization of Environmental Policies and their Limitations. Springer, Cham.


Begemann, A., Giessen, L., Roitsch, D., Rouxa, J.-L., Lovric, M., Azevedo-Ramos, C., Boerner, J., Beeko, C., Cashore, B., Cerutti, P.O., de Jong, W., Fosse, L.J., Hinrichs, A., Humphreys, D., Pülzl, H.,  Santamaria, C., Sotirov, M., Wunder, S., Winkel, G. (2021): Quo vadis global forest governance? A transdisciplinary Delphi study. Environmental Science and Policy 123 (2021): 131-141.




Sotirov, M.
, Schulz, T., Winkel, G. (2020): Policy and legal framework for integrating production and biodiversity conservation in European forests. In Krumm, F.; Schuck, A.; Rigling, A. (eds), 2020: How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation – A view across Europe. European Forest Institute (EFI); Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmensdorf, Switzerland.

Sotirov, M.
, Pokorny, B., Kleinschmit, D., & Kanowski, P. (2020). International Forest Governance and Policy: Institutional Architecture and Pathways of Influence in Global Sustainability. Sustainability 2020, 12, 7010; doi:10.3390/su12177010

Baulenas, E., Sotirov, M. (2020): Cross-sectoral policy integration at the forest and water nexus: National level instrument choices and integration drivers in the European Union. Forest Policy and Ecomomics 118 (2020): 102247.

Aggestam, F., Konczal, A., Sotirov, M., Wallin, I., Paillet, Y., Spinelli, R., Lindner, M., Derks, J., Hanewinkel, M., Winkel, G. (2020): Can nature conservation and wood production be reconciled in managed forests? A review of driving factors for integrated forest management in Europe. Journal of Environmental Management 268 (2020) 110670

Wolfslehner, B., Pülzl, H., Kleinschmit, D., Aggestam, F., Winkel, G., Candel, J., Eckerberg, K., Feindt, P., McDermott, C., Secco, L., Sotirov, M., Lackner, M., Roux, J.-L. 2020. European forest governance post-2020. From Science to Policy 10. European Forest Institute. DOI:; ISBN 978-952-5980-84-4 (print); ISBN 978-952-5980-85-1 (online)

Baycheva-Merger, T, Sotirov, M. (2020): The politics of an EU forest information system: unpacking distributive conflicts associated with the strategic use of forest information. Forest Policy and Economics 112: 102-110. : http://10.1016/j.forpol.2020.102110

Blicharska, M., Angelstam, P., Giessen , L., Hilszczański, H., Hermanowicz, E., Holeksa, J., Jacobsen, J.B., Jaroszewicz, B., Konczal, A., Konieczny, A., Mikusiński, G., Mirek, Z., Mohren, F., Muys, B., Niedziałkowski, K., Sotirov, M., Stereńczak, K., Szwagrzyk, J., Winder, G.M., Witkowski, Z., Zaplata, R., Winkel, G. (2020): Between biodiversity conservation and sustainable forest management – A multidisciplinary assessment of the emblematic Białowieża Forest case. Biological Conservation 248 (2020) 108614. 



Pokorny, B., Sotirov, M., Kleinschmit, D., Kanowski, P. (2019): Forests as a Global Commons: International governance and the role of Germany. Report to the Science

Platform Sustainability 2030. Freiburg: Universität Freiburg. DOI 10.2312/iass.2019.036.

Umhauer, D., Sotirov, M. (2019): Warum wird in Deutschland noch immer über Flächenstilllegungen im Wald gestritten? AFZ-Der Wald 15 (August) 2019: 43-45.  

Umhauer, D., Sotirov, M. (2019): Wälder mit natürlicher Entwicklung. Eine Politikfeldanalyse der Konflikte um das waldbezogene 5%-Ziel der Nationalen Strategie zur biologischen Vielfalt. Korn & Dünnfelder (Hrsg.) Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt XVII. Interdisziplinärer Forschungsaustausch im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt. BfN-Skripten 527. Bonn: Bundesamt für Naturschutz: 133-138. 

Sotirov, M., Sallnäs, O., Eriksson, L. O. (2019): Forest owner behavioral models, policy changes, and forest management. An agent-based framework for studying the provision of forest ecosystem goods and services at the landscape level. Forest Policy and Economics 103 (2019): 79-89. 



Sotirov, M., Arts, B. (2018): Integrated Forest Governance in Europe: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Forest Policy Integration and Integrated Forest Management. Land Use Policy 79 (2018): 960-967.  

Sotirov, M., Storch, S. (2018): Resilience through policy integration in Europe? Domestic forest policy changes as response to absorb pressure to integrate biodiversity conservation, bioenergy use and climate protection in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. Land Use Policy 79 (2018): 977-989.   

Deuffic, P., Sotirov, M., Arts, B. (2018): “Your policy, my rationale”. How individual and structural drivers influence European forest owners’ decisions. Land Use Policy 79 (2018): 1024-1038.   

McDermott, Sotirov, M. (2018): A Political Economy of the European Union’s Timber Regulation: Which member states would, should or could support and implement EU rules on the import of illegal wood? Forest Policy and Economics 90 (2018): 180-190. 

Baycheva-Merger T., Sotirov M., Holmgren S., Selter A. (2018): Institutional and Actor-Oriented Factors Constraining Expert-Based Forest Information Exchange in Europe: A Policy Analysis from an Actor-Centered Institutionalist Approach. Forests 9(3), 129 (doi: 10.3390/f9030129).



Sotirov, M., Blum, M., Storch, S., Selter, A., Schraml, A. (2017): Do forest policy actors learn through forward-thinking? Conflict and cooperation relating to the past, present and futures of sustainable forest management in Germany. Forest Policy and Economics 85 (2): 256-268. 

Sotirov, M., Stelter, M., Winkel, G. (2017): The Emergence of the European Union Timber Regulation: How Baptists, Bootleggers, Devil Shifting and Moral Legitimacy Drive Change in the Environmental Governance of Global Timber Trade. Forest Policy and Economics 81 (2017): 69-81. 

Winkel, G., Leipold, S., Buhmann, K., Cashore, B., de Jong, W., I. Nathan, I., Sotirov, M., Stone, M. (2017):  Narrating illegal logging across the globe: between green protectionism and sustainable resource use. International Forestry Review 19(S1), 81-97.

Geitzenauer, M., Blondet, M., de Koning, J., Ferranti, F., Sotirov, M., Weiss, G., Winkel, G. (2017): The Challenge of Financing the Implementation of Natura 2000 - Empirical Evidence from Six European Union Member States. Forest Policy and Economics 82 (2017): 3-13

Aggestam, F., Pülzl, H., Sotirov, M., Winkel, G. (2017): The EU policy framework. In Winkel, G. (ed.): Towards a sustainable European forest-based bioeconomy - assessment and the way forward. What Science Can Tell Us 8. European Forest Institute, Joensuu, pp. 19-35. 

Sotirov, M. (ed.). 2017. Natura 2000 and forests: Assessing the state of implementation and effectiveness. What Science Can Tell Us 7. European Forest Institute. ISBN 978-952-5980-37-0 (printed), ISBN 978-952-5980-38-7 (pdf).



Sotirov, M., Winkel, G. (2016): Towards a cognitive theory of shifting alliances and policy change: linking the advocacy coalition framework and cultural theory. Policy Sciences 49 (2): 125-154. 

Winkel, G., Sotirov, M. (2016): Whose integration is this? European forest policy between the gospel of coordination, institutional competition, and a new spirit of integration. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 34 (3): 496-514. 

Leipold, S., Sotirov, M., Frei, T. Winkel, G. (2016): Protecting “First world” markets and “Third world” nature: The politics of illegal logging in Australia, the European Union and the United States. Global Environment Change 39 (2016): 294-304. 

Kleinschmit, D., Leipold, S. Sotirov, M. (2016): Chapter 1 Introduction: Understanding the Complexities of Illegal Logging and Associated Timber Trade. In Kleinschmit, D., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C., Purret, A. (eds.): Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade – Dimensions, Drivers, Impacts and Responses. A Global Scientific Rapid Response Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 35. Vienna, pp. 13-20. 

Cashore, B., Leipold, S., Cerutti, P. O., Bueno, G., Carodenuto, S., Chen, X., de Jong, W., Denvir, A., Hansen, C., Humphreys, D., McGinley, K., Nathan, I., Overdevest, C., Rodrigues, R.J., Sotirov, M., Stone, M. W., Tegegne, Y.T., Visseren-Hamakers, I., Winkel, G., Yemelin, V., Zeitlin, J. (2016): Chapter 7: Global Governance Approaches to Addressing Illegal Logging: Uptake and Lessons Learnt. In Kleinschmit, D., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C., Purret, A. (eds.): Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade - Dimensions, Drivers, Impacts and Responses. A Global Scientific Rapid Response Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 35. Vienna, pp. 119-132. 

Kleinschmit, D., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C., Boekhout van Solinge, T., Cashore, B., Cerutti, P.O., Gan, J., Leipold, S., Pacheco, P., Pokorny, B., Purret, A., Sotirov, M., Tacconi, L. (2016): Chapter 8: Conclusions. In Kleinschmit, D., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C., Purret, A. (eds.): Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade - Dimensions, Drivers, Impacts and Responses. A Global Scientific Rapid Response Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 35. Vienna, pp. 133-136. 



Gavrilut I., Halalisan A-F., Giurca A., Sotirov M. (2015) The Interaction between FSC certification and the implementation of the EU Timber Regulation in Romania. Forests 7(1), 3: 1-13.

Sotirov, M., Lovric, M., Winkel, G. (2015): Environmental governance between Europeanization and domestic politics: Analyzing the implementation of EU biodiversity conservation policy in Bulgaria and Croatia. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 33 (5): 986-1004.

Borrass, L., Sotirov, M., Winkel, G. (2015): Europeanization and policy change. Implementation of the European Union’s Habitats Directive in Germany and the UK. Environmental Politics 24 (5): 788-809.

Winkel, G., Blondet, M., Borras, L., Frei, T., Geitzenauer, M., Gruppe, A., Jump, A., De Koning, J., Sotirov, M., Weiss, G., Winter, S., Turnhout, E. (2015): The implementation of Natura 2000 in forests: A trans- and interdisciplinary assessment of challenges and choices. Environmental Science and Policy 52 (2015): 23-32. 

Sotirov, M., Hoogstra-Klein, M., Trubins, R., Schüll, E., Riemer, A., Orazio, C., Cordero, R., Salnäss, O., Eriksson, O. (2015): Shaping the future of sustainable forest management. EFI News 23 (1) November 2015: 10-11. 

Sotirov, M., Storch, S., Aggestam, F., Giurca, A., Selter, A., Baycheva, T., Eriksson, O., Sallnäs, O., Schüll, O., Trubins, R., Borges, J., McDermott, C., Hoogstra-Klein, M., Hengeveld, G., Pettenella, D. (2015): Forest Policy Integration in Europe: Lessons Learnt, Challenges Ahead, and Strategies to Support Sustainable Forest Management and Multifunctional Forestry in the Future. INTEGRAL EU Policy Paper. 

Sotirov, M., McDermott, C., Dieguez, L., Selter, A. Storch, S. (2015): Integrating footprint thinking into EU forest-related policy - Highlights from research on the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan as a strategy to address the external impacts of EU consumption. INTEGRAL Policy Brief 4. 

Sotirov, M., Hoogstra, M., Trubins, R., Storch, S. Riemer, A. (2015): Shaping the futures of integrated forest management in Europe through policy backcasting. INTEGRAL Policy Brief 3. 

Sotirov, M., Deuffic, P. (2015): United in diversity? Typology, objectives and socio-economic characteristics of public and private forest owners in Europe. In Živojinović, I., Lidestav, G., Feliciano, D., Hujala, T., Lawrence, A., Weiss, G. (eds.): Concepts, methods and findings in forest ownership research in Europe. EFICEEC-EFISEE Online Research Report. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU): Vienna, Austria. 

Sotirov, M., Winkel, G. (2015): Qualitative Indicator B6 Biodiversity. Criterion 4: Maintenance, Conservation and Appropriate Enhancement of Biological Diversity in Forest Ecosystems. Part II: European Forests: Status, Trends and Policy Responses. In FOREST EUROPE, 2015: State of Europe’s Forests 2015. 

Rametsteiner, E., Sotirov, M. (2015): Overall Policies, Institutions and Instruments for Sustainable Forest Management. In FOREST EUROPE, 2015: State of Europe’s Forests 2015.

Storch, S., Sotirov, M., Riemer, A. (2015): Abschlusskonferenz des INTEGRAL Projekts in Brüssel. AFZ-DerWald 21 (2015): 27-28.

Sotirov, M. (2015): Zukunftsforschung zur Waldbewirtschaftung in Europa. AFZ-DerWald 2 (2105): 15-18.

Storch, S., Selter, A., Sotirov, M., Cappelmann, L. (2015): Regionale Zukunftsforschung eine integrierte Waldwirtschaft. AFZ-DerWald 2 (2015): 19-22.   



Sotirov, M. (2014): Changes in environmental governance and illegal logging policies: the case of the European Union’s timber regulation. International Forestry Review 16 (5), A-33. 

Schwer, S., Sotirov, M. (2014): Handel sieht Vor- und Nachteile in EUTR. Europäische Holzhandelsverordnung: Segen oder Fluch für die deutsche und europäische Forst- und Holzwirtschaft? Holz-Zentralblatt 11/2014: 247. 

Winkel. G., Sotirov, M. (2014): The European Forest Policy (Dis)Integration Paradox. EFI News 22 (1) March 2014: 6-7. 

De Koning, J., Turnhout, E., Winkel, G, Blondet, M. Borras, L., Ferranti, F., Geitzenauer, M., Sotirov, M., Jump, A. (2014): Managing climate change in conservation practice: an exploration of the science-management interface in beech forest management. Biodiversity Conservation 23 (14): 3657-3671.

De Koning, J.; Winkel, G., Sotirov, M.; Blondet, M.; Borras, L.; Ferranti, F.; Geitzenauer, M. (2014): Natura 2000 and climate change - polarization, uncertainty and pragmatism in discourses on forest conservation and management in Europe. Environmental Science and Policy 39 (2014): 129-138.

Sotirov, M., Schüll, E., Sällnas, O., Borges, J., Jonsson, R., Riemer, A., Eriksson, L.O. (2014): Future Scenarios of Forest Management in Europe. INTEGRAL Policy Brief 2. 



Winkel, G., Aggestam, F.; Sotirov, M.; Weiss, G. (2013): Forest Policy in the European Union. In: Pülzl, H.; Hogl, K. Arts, B.; Kleinschmit, D.; Winkel, G.; Wydra, D. (eds.): European Forest Governance: Issues at Stake and the Way Forward. EFI Series: What Science Can Tell Us. European Forest Institute: Joensuu, Finland, pp. 52-63.

Sotirov, M., Cappelmann, L., Riemer, A., Eriksson L. O. (2013): Implementing the Vision of Sustainable Forestry through Integrated Forest Management? INTEGRAL Policy Brief 1. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2670052



Sotirov, M., Memmler, M. (2012): The Advocacy Coalition Framework in Natural Resource Policy Studies – Recent Experiences and Further Prospects. Forest Policy and Economics (16): 51-64.

Schraml, U., Borrass, L., Gerner, J., Sotirov, M., Winkel, G. (2012): Chamäleon im Paragraphendschungel. Einordnung von Natura 2000 in die Waldnaturschutzpolitik. GÜLZOWER FACHGESPRÄCHE BAND 42, WALDBEWIRTSCHAFTUNG in FFH-GEBIETEN. Betriebliche, volkswirtschaftliche und rechtliche Implikationen. Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR): Gülzow-Prüzen.



Sotirov, M., Borrass, L., Winkel, G. (2011): Dem Wandel auf der Spur - Theoretische Ansätze zur Analyse von Politikwandel und -stabilität mit Fokus auf das Beispiel waldbezogener EU-Naturschutzpolitik. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 182 (11/12): 215-230.

Winkel, G., Gleißner, J., Pistorius, T., Sotirov, M., Storch, S. (2011): The sustainably managed forest heats up: discursive struggles over forest management and climate change in Germany. Critical Policy Studies 5 (4): 361-390.

Winkel, G., Sotirov, M. (2011): An obituary for National Forest Programmes? Analysing and learning from the strategic use of “new modes of governance“ in Bulgaria and Germany. Forest Policy and Economics 13 (2): 143-154.

Requardt, A., Baycheva, T., Pelli, P., Dominguez, G., Sotirov, M., Winkel, G., (2011): B: Policies, Institutions and Instruments by Policy Area. In FOREST EUROPE, UNECE and FAO 2011: State of Europe’s Forests 2011. Status and Trends in Sustainable Forest Management in Europe, pp. 167-195 



Sotirov, M. (2010): Waldpolitik im Wandel. Eine Politikfeldanalyse im Transformationsprozess Bulgariens [Changing forest policy: policy analysis into the Bulgaria’s transformation process]. Verlag Kessel: Remagen-Oberwinter. 



Angelova, E., Irimie, D., Sotirov, M., Winkel, G. (2009): Bulgarien und Rumänien in der Europäischen Union – forstpolitische Herausforderungen [Bulgaria and Romania in the European Union – challenges for forest policy]. Swiss Forestry Journal 160 (1): 15-22. 

Winkel, G., Kaphengst, T., Herbert, S., Robaey, Z.; Rosenkranz, L., Sotirov, M. (2009): EU policy options for the protection of European forests against harmful impacts. Final report to the tender: ENV.B.1/ETU/2008/0049: OJ 2008/S 112 - 149606. 



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