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IFPM3 Registration

Registration information
Please fill in the form below to register for the meeting and please provide a full address for the invoicing of the registration fee. For questions please contact the conference organizers:
Type of participant
Invoice address for registration fee (50 EUR)*:
You will be sent an invoice by mail from the University of Freiburg, please do not forget to add your name as a reference when you pay the invoice! *Not applicable for participants with institutional affiliations in the following countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Your registration fee will be paid by SNS Nordic Forest Research ( directly.
Permission to publish content online:
In order to provide the best possible service to registered participants and render publicity for your research we will have a conference website that enables content to be visible during two years after the conference ends. In relation to this we have a few questions regarding your permission to make materials available to different groups.

Thank you for your registration!

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