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Aktuelle Projekte


Aktuelle Projekte


Small4Good - Sustainable Multifunctional Management by Small Forest Owners in Support of Bioeconomy, Biodiversity and Climate
StressRes - Monitoring and modelling system for the assessment of stress on groundwater resources and drinking water management
CLEVER - Creating leverage to enhance biodiversity outcomes of global biomass trade


Optkom: Zielgruppenoptimierte Kommunikation für nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung und Waldnaturschutz
LEARNFORCLIMATE - Learning to Realize Multiple Forest Policy Objectives Under Climate Related Stress and Disturbance


BIOCONSENT - Decision-making Support for Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Policy and Management in Europe: Trade-offs and Synergies at the Forest-Biodiversity-Climate-Water Nexus


SUPERB - Systemic Solutions for Upscaling of Urgent Ecosystem Restoration for Forest-related Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services


InteW2 - Integrated management of forests and water under changing climatic conditions: Risks, measures, transferability
  • Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit, Dr. Chris Seigre
  • Laufzeit: 07.2021-07.2024


Divinko - Diversität und Innovation in Kleinprivatwaldorganisationen
  • Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit, Dr. Andy Selter
  • Laufzeit: 10.2020-10.2023


ConFoBi - Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Multiple-Use Landscapes of Central Europe (Research Training Group)
  • Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Ilse Storch
  • Laufzeit: 06.2016 - 06.2025




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